• Is it possible to use the Permalink structure posted at this topic title?
    ie: BLOG_ROOT/%category%/%postname%/
    I’ve tried the %category% tag and it doesn’t work!

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    The way that *I* post my blog entries, it *is* unique. That fact, and the other fact that it is a very intuitive url structure is why I want this to be used on my blog.

    Moderator James Huff


    It’s possible, but the second that you post something with the same title in the same category, the entire site goes to hell. Stick with something like, /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    You’re not listening to me. Things will never have the same %postname% in a given category. If they do have the same title, I’ll be adding in a post-slug. Even if I dont (or repeat a title/slug) then both (or however many) posts show just like a mini category listing.
    I just want to know how to get a %category% tag in my Permalink to work. Not if it is possible, not other solutions… this one. ??

    Moderator James Huff


    Oh, we’re listening, we’ve just never tried it. And, we’re just explaining why we’ve never tried it. /%category%/ doesn’t work, because it’s not an available permalink tag. Read your permalink options page carefully, starting at “The following a€?tagsa€? are available:”.

    I’ve tried it, and it does work (look at the tags it gives you on the permalink page, it’s all there). BUT… then the archives link don’t work. So it’s give and take. Depends on how badly you want it to work.
    Beel – While you do have a valid point, I’d like to have some flexibility.
    Does any know if the following will be possible?
    I’d like my permalinks to the articles themselves to be:
    And date archives to be:
    And category listings to be:
    Maybe optionaly add the year/month/day to the category to filter those as well.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    If it was already an available tag, I would be using it! Silly! I’d just like to know how to make it available.

    I just want to get rid of the word “category” out of my url, and I dont want to replace it with something. ??

    nolageek – that ain’t gonna happpen. It’s been tried before w/o much success. The “category” bit needs to be there (or some other denoter) to indicate you are following a category link. Other wise it won’t know.
    Beel – Nah, just the sun, the moon, AND the stars. If I’ve included the post ID in the permalink I should never have any collisions of any kind -if I do then there’s something REALLY wrong in the database. And if I happen to have two posts with the same name, and I don’t put the post id in the url, then display both (not unlike displaying the posts for a particular day), then clicking the title would bring me to the full psot & full permalink.
    I won’t say that I’ll never have two posts by the same name, but 90% of the time I’ll have unique titles.
    Salathe – mea culpa – I thought it was there, I’d swear I’d tried it before. I think the reason it isn’t available as a tag, is because of multi-categories. I realize that in your case it posts will always be only in one category, so it doesn’t matter, but it’s the way it is. I don’t know if anything can be done about that.

    I just stumbled across this thread because I’m trying to do the same; use a mod_rewrite rule to redirect https://server.com/categoryname/subcategoryname/ to a listing of entries within a category. I appreciate that WordPress needs some sort of indicator that a given URL with an otherwise arbitrary set of querystrings represents categories, but I dispute that this makes it impossible to do. If as a fallback immediately after checking that the first part of the querystring doesn’t represent (part of) a permalink to a specific article, before giving an unknown article error, a query could be fired off to see if it matches any existing category. If it does then the next part of the URL could be checked to see if that matches any subcategories within that category. A third part could represent a given post within that subcategory (although there are obviously other ways of directly accessing a particular post via its shortname).

    Seeing as nobody else has yet come up with a solution I may try a bit of inventive hacking around with my installation. I’ll post any successes here.

    Have you had any success with the “categoryname/subcategoryname/posttitle/” hack yet?

    I’d really love it.



    I’m hoping to get some clarification on this point too… Is it just plain impossible in WP v1.5 to duplicate the directory structure I had in MT?

    I had category/postname… I posted the full question here:

    …then realized it was about the ‘beta’ version. Bah.

    I’m open to suggestions of hacks, if anyone has any?



    aleck made a tutorial on this subject.

    1. You need to hack wp-includes/classes.php to remove the word ‘category’

    2. You need to change the permalink structure in the wp admin area to /%category%/%postname%/

    3. You need to manually edit the .htaccess, because there is a bug aleck found in the way WP edits the .htaccess file.

    All incredible amazing details here:

    THE ONLY BUMMER is that it apparently is not friendly with sub-categories… and the sub-category archives do not work- you get a Wp 404 error.



    And another bummer is, if you’re using the page feature, you have to manually update your .htaccess each time. Bah!

    I really would like this functionality too… is it happening?

    Not as far as I know, I have never been able to get it to work. I just accepted that my URL structure was not going to make too much sense.

    so for permalink structure, i just did /%postname%/ and for category base i put in ‘portfolio’. not ideal, but at least my sub category pages work.

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