• TomDolan



    My url is: tomjdolan.com – decision I made 3 yrs ago based on an article I read. Now with a theme change, redesign, and more tight focus, I’m preparing to relaunch the site after a year hiatus.

    The site Title is: Performance of Speaking. I recently read that SEO improves if the site Title is in the url. I looked at the General Settings in Dashboard and was wondering, could I change the current url: tomjdolan.com to a revised:

    tomjdolan.com/performance-of-speaking -can it be done without extensive coding in which I’m not strong? And too, Do You think it’s going to make an SEO difference?

    Any advice on this is appreciated – Thank you.

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  • Pioneer Web Design


    Sure. What I would do is make the site ‘Title’ Tom J Dolan and the site ‘description’ Performance of Speaking.

    In search, you site will look like:

    Tom J Dolan | Performance of Speaking

    And should work well as long as you also add each term (not the J or of) as meta keywords.

    Then once site is up and there is good content (good content is the best SEO rule of all), make sure you submit your site at Google Webmaster Tools, including robots.txt file and a proper sitemap.xml file.



    Changing the url of a section in your website has some SEO implications. It makes a ping to search engines and your position in SERP can change a lot just by doing a simple permalink edit.

    Thread Starter TomDolan


    Thanx for your interest and after reading your comments I have some questions.

    Seacoast: When you say Title ‘description’ are you referring to the ‘Tagline’ box in the General Settings of the Dashboard listed below the Site Title box?

    Adamstar1: I couldn’t tell by your comment if you thought the ‘SEO implications’ of this change would be good or bad. How do you think the SERP most likely would change?

    Again, thanx to you both for taking an interest.

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