• Resolved Hendrik Lersch


    Hi! Thanks for this very nice plugin.
    But i have a little problem with permalinks inside content which is coming from an ajax call. They are not rewritten with the locale slug, like any other permalink.

    I have figured out that inside the ajax function the wordpress function get_locale() doesn’t return the current set value, but the default language’s value.

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  • Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    Ok, it’s because admin-ajax.php is in /wp-admin/ and therefore it not uses the sites locale. As a workaround i send the current locale as a parameter to the ajax script and use switch_to_locale( $_POST['locale'] );

    But i still have to use wpm_translate_url( get_permalink( $post_id ) ); to get the correct localized url.

    A cleaner inbuilt solution would be nice ??

    As solution, You can add lang param to GET request.
    I will fix that in next version.

    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    Awesome, thank you.
    Preparing the ajax url like this: add_query_arg( 'lang', wpm_get_user_language(), admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) works very well for now. ??

    Fixed in new version. Check, please.

    Now, language for ajax calls set from referrer request.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by VaLeXaR.
    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    Thanks. Works like a charm ??

    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    Ok, i have to correct me. It still uses the backend user locale, when retrieving data via admin-ajax.php. The permalinks are all correctly rewritten matching the chosen language in the frontend, but the texts are not translated.

    Only if i choose “site default” language in the users backend profile, it will adapt the frontend language, otherwise any translatable string within the ajax content will use the language, which is set in the current users profile, regardless of which language is set in frontend.

    I don’t know if you can do anything against this problem but i can’t even use the REST api, because these ajax scripts i use are large and i don’t want to rewrite them all ??

    Are your REST API Client use admin login for connect to site?

    Fixed. Check, please.

    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    I have to say, it’s not a problem for me personally. It’s just something i discovered and maybe a problem for other users. The users on my sites doesn’t have admin access to change their user language.

    But the problem unfortunately still exists after the last update. If i change my user language in my backend profile menu to any other than “site default”, every gettext string, which is processed via admin-ajax.php will use that admin language setting.

    For example, if i set german in my backend profile and english in frontend, the overall page language is english, but whenever content is dynamically loaded via admin-ajax.php, it’s german.

    Maybe this is helpful: https://make.www.ads-software.com/core/2016/11/07/user-admin-languages-and-locale-switching-in-4-7/

    Note about admin-ajax.php

    As admin-ajax.php is in the admin, anyone getting translated strings via Ajax will get strings in the user’s locale when they are logged in. You can use switch_to_locale( get_locale() ) to ensure the string is returned in the site’s locale, rather then the user’s locale. Or, ideally, leverage the REST API. ????

    I added filter for getting user locale. Try now in new version.

    Thread Starter Hendrik Lersch


    That did the trick! Thanks for your fast support and updates!


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