• I could not figure out how to use the plugin with themes which “do not support navigation menus or widgets”. I had it working with Hello theme, and importing the site under twenty-twentyfour (I am just experimenting with the block themes) the popup login does not work, for example in the menu there is “hello username” instead of Hello + actual user name. I am convinced it is a trivial error on my side, but I just cannot figure out what it is. Thanks for your patience.

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  • Plugin Author xootix


    Hello @roberto21

    If the theme does not support menus, you can use shortcodes.
    Please go to “Info” tab and check the shortcodes.

    Thread Starter roberto21


    The first attempt was as follows: add “add_theme_support( ‘menus’ );” to functions.php. This brings back “menus” under “appearance”. So I rebuilt the menu adding the login/signup items( login, logout, hello username). But this does not work:
    1) logout and hello username appear also for non logged in users (in the other theme, only Login correctly appears)
    2) clicking login, the popop appears ok, “login” disappears from the menu, but Hello username ” remains without username being replaced by the actual user name as before
    3) logout does not work, sends you to the same page without doing anything.

    In the block editor, I could not find the way to insert the shortcodes in the navigation entries.

    Thread Starter roberto21


    I don’t know if someone is interested, but I managed to solve the problem. I have to confirm that using the wordpress Navigation menu block, I was not able to make it work: after the problems listed in the previous post,using appareance->menus, i deleted the menu, rebuilt it with logiin, logout and hello username, with the result that the navigation was not recognized at all by the block editor (menu deleted or not available). So I decided to try the gutenberg plugin Gutenverse. I inserted the NavMenu from this plugin, and… everything worked flawlessly again: only login present for logged out users, logout and hello username (with the ACTUAL username) present for logged in users, logout working fine again. Do we have to conclude that the nav menu of wordpress needs more work?

    Thanks for your attention.

    Plugin Author xootix


    Hello Roberto,

    Menus are part of the theme functionality. I am not very familiar with how they are built but as long as theme supports it, there shouldn’t be any issues with the plugin.
    I just tested with a few of the “block” themes and the links are working fine within the menu.

    Regarding adding the shortcodes. you can search for the block “/shortcodes” and simply add it there
    You can also open popup using links #login and #register

    Thread Starter roberto21


    Thanks for your interest. However, as I pointed out in my post, I could not make the plugin work with the navigation block provided by wordpress. Instead, using the navigation block provided by Gutenverse, everything works fine, exactly like in the non-block theme. That’s why it appears that the wordpress nav block needs a little more work.

    As per the shortcodes, i know I can insert the shortcode in the shortcode block; the problem is that I don’t know where to insert the shortcode block, For sure, you cannot insert them in the menu items. Then, as far as I can see, the shortcode (xoo-el-action?) is only for login, but login is the only thing that works. But maybe I am missing something obvious, and things are easier than I imagine.

    Plugin Author xootix


    Hello @roberto21

    I have not played much with the navigation blocks.
    Shortcodes and anchor links work for most of the users, however as per your investigation, I will be testing them this week and will surely get back to you.

    Shortcode [xoo_el_action] opens any form you like and not just login.
    ?For eg: [xoo_el_action type=”register”]

    Thread Starter roberto21


    Thanks again for your continued interest. As said befiore, I used the plufgin without problems in my original site (www.enrico-marino.com). There I only used the custom links in the menu (xoo-el-login-tgr, xoo-el-logout-menu, xoo-el-username-menu). When I started exprimenting with block themes (twenty-twentyfour) I used a local web server, laragon. The theme does not support menus, so I added the “add_theme_support( ‘menus’ );” to functions.php, as suggested by wordpress; so I got back the menus, but, using the same approach as before, it did not work since the nav block did not seem to recognize the menu, As youn say, maybe I should use different methods, i.e. not the custom links in menu but shortcodes and anchor links, but I could not figure out how. PLease take into account I am a rookie in the matter, I am trying to learn and understand. Thanks again.

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