• Resolved aclancy


    Hi –

    After installing the plugin, “USD” is displayed after many totals. It’s in the admin area, on every order, on customer receipts, thank you/order confirmation page, my account area, etc.

    We don’t display dollar amounts with “USD” after them in the United States. It’s a cultural thing. We don’t do it. It’s very awkward to see it.

    Yes: $4.50
    Big No: $4.50 USD

    I need to remove this but it appears to be impossible do do this with css because “USD” is inserted after elements.

    Can you tell me how to remove it?

    Thank you.

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  • Hi there!

    You are eligible for our premium support under WooCommerce.com as you are a WooCommerce Payments user, so we can move this to an internal ticket in case you feel more comfortable. ??

    If that makes sense for you, please contact us at WooCommerce.com > My Account > Support. You may need to create an account before you can access that page.

    Please include a link to this forum topic, so that we can keep track of what’s already been done.

    We will be able to help you further there.`

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  • The topic ‘“USD” appears everywhere now’ is closed to new replies.