You’ll need to modify the code in order to get it to appear for pages and in the right place. Assuming the latest version of Exhibit, make the following changes in the file exhibit10i.php(bear in mind, I haven’t tested this but I’ve done similar things in my spelling checker plugin):
Change (line 268):
// Are we on the right page?
if(preg_match('|post.php|i', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
to this:
// Are we on the right page?
if(preg_match('|post.php|i', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) ||
preg_match('|page-new.php|i', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
That’ll get it on the page. Now, to position it we have to modify a bit more:
Change (line 292):
if ($_GET['action'] == 'edit' || get_settings('advanced_edit')) {
echo 'var submitButtonPara = document.getElementById("save").parentNode;';
} else {
echo 'var submitButtonPara = document.getElementById("saveasdraft").parentNode;';
if (preg_match('|page-new.php|i', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']))
echo 'var submitButtonPara = document.getElementById("savepage").parentNode;';
else if ($_GET['action'] == 'edit' || get_settings('advanced_edit')) {
echo 'var submitButtonPara = document.getElementById("save").parentNode;';
} else {
echo 'var submitButtonPara = document.getElementById("saveasdraft").parentNode;';
Hope that helps.