• Is there any way to use the current (or new) WordPress database to store user information?

    The scenario plays out like this: user navigates to WordPress site, is interested in service or product, fills out form, form data gets saved in the server in a (my)SQL database for later exportation.

    I have spent some time looking for a plug-in for such an endeavor with no success.

    Is what I am describing even possible?

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  • milanm


    I am dealing with the same problem at the moment. There is a variety of form plug-ins out there most of them just sending e-mails. However i am testing the following: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/mm-forms-community/
    I will let you know if it worked. If you would like to test it please let me know if it worked for you.

    I’m investigating whether or not it’s a good idea to use wordpress as the development environment for a lead generation site and I came across your post.

    Did the plugin you mention above work for you?

    Any thoughts you have on my project are appreciated.



    Hi kevinkeadle,
    I needed a form that will import client data into the SQL database directly, field per field, so i could export them to an office database or an excel file and give them to the sales department for further use.
    My experience with WordPress form plug-inns (i went over at least 20 of them) is not excelent, i could not find one that is making a simple SQL table with field names in the rows and corresponding data in the columns with Unique ID refering to each client and not each form (if this makes any sence to you.
    I had to make a little script inside my office database (which is FileMaker Pro) to sort out the data from the SQL tables modified from the WP forms and this way it worked for me. It is a script that is taking an ID of a form as Unique Identifier and then makes variables for each client description inside the form – title, name, surname, phone, message etc. then it places these variables correctly inside my office database table and that way the guys have they leads without having to write them down from emails.
    So, if you dont have to use WP forms for lead generation, dont use them they are not the best solution (i had to because the web girl made such a beautyfull website and putted load of work into it and i just assumed that there has to be a desired form plug-in arround – i was wrong).
    On the other hand, the wordpress comunnity is ever-developing, maybe someone came up with something new and suitable.

    Thanks so much for sharing your progress. After countless hours testing form plugins none appear to have “out of the box” create form from my existing tables/fields/databases. -:(. I’m still hoping but ready to pack it in.
    Thanks again.

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