Its ok Ive found where and how to modify plugin : -)
for tweeter : js/wall/twitter.js :
add a function (timeConverter) to transform unixtimestamp to day month year …
found here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/847185/convert-a-unix-timestamp-to-time-in-javascript
After in line 116
el.created_at = Date.parse(el.created_at);
el.created_at = parseInt(el.created_at) / 1000;
el.created_at = timeConverter(el.created_at);
return {
share_panel: me.getSharePanel(el.link),
header: me.getImageHeader(me.getImage(el)),
section: me.getTextSection(txt, me.getCounters(el)) + me.getAuthorPanel(el),
footer: me.getFooter(el.link, el.user.name,el.created_at)
For instagram
add the same function in astagram.js and
in line 138
el.created_time = timeConverter(el.created_time);
return {
time: el.created_time,
share_panel: me.getSharePanel(el.link),
header: me.getImageHeader(el.images.standard_resolution.url),
section: me.getTextSection(txt, me.getCounters(el)) + me.getAuthorPanel(el),
footer: me.getFooter(el.link, el.user.full_name, el.created_time)
And now it s OK ….
So resolved !