• Hello Sir,

    If you go here– https://alumni.harvard.edu/

    And click the Search icon on the Header, as seen here — https://prnt.sc/CMCpm20sKAqp

    The Search icon opens up a Mega Menu.

    Now, that icon or image is not part of the Menu(even though it sits on the Header). But it is able to trigger a Mega Menu from the Header.

    I was able to do something similar, using Premium Addons. The problem is that Premium Addons has a problem that I and them have been battling with, for 2 weeks now.

    The problem is that Responsive Styles are not being applied. So that every responsive setting that you set for Mobile doesn’t get applied, and this means they are not reflected.

    This is why I am searching for another solution, and I found out that you have a Modal Widget.

    Unfortunately, your Modal widget was a disappointment to me. It could not do the 2 things I wanted:

    1.) Use Image or Icon as the Modal Trigger, as seen here— https://alumni.harvard.edu/ ——— or here ——— https://prnt.sc/CMCpm20sKAqp

    Now ElementsKit can do it. See it here— https://wpmet.com/doc/pop-up-modal/#4-toc-title

    2.) Load Elementor Template as Pop up Content. I will like to load an Elementor Template as the Popup content. And this Content is supposed to represent as a Mega Menu.

    Sadly, you don’t have such option. There’s no provision to use Elementor Templates or Saved Templates as Popup content.

    So on these 2 grounds, your Modal Popup could not serve my purpose at all.

    Seeing how your Modal Popup was incapable of doing the 2 things I wanted from a Modal Popup, would you add these 2 Features in your coming updates?

    Needing to hear from you soon.

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