• Hi, thanks for the plugin. it does exactly what it should do. easy, simple. works great.

    USE IT WITH CARE!!! then it is super

    It’s useful as an super easy way to access these files. So e.g.: If I don’t have access to my clients live system, I’ll still be able to ask her/him for some php.ini infos. And it’s easy for them.

    Problem: The Plugin does what it should do. It displays sensitive config in the wp-admin. So everyone with capability ‘manage_options‘ (possible to filter by ‘klick_cs_capability_required’) will see the wp-config.php and will see passwords and get access to the database.

    Administrator will see this info, may be other roles as well.
    But usually it’s the case that someone has the admin role, to manage wp, but we actually don’t want him/her to have access to the database directly.

    Please be careful using this plugin.

    All the best,

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