• Resolved ktrontx


    Can you offer any advice on how to use a singular image as the background image for both the top bar and the header area? I can’t seem to figure it out with different image sizing and transparency.

    I have tried cutting the image into two different files and layering them, but the result looks like it doesn’t quite line up.

    Can you offer any advice on how to go about this? I’m familiar with CSS but am by no means an expert (yet!)

    Apologies if this issue has already been brought up, I did check many pages of the support threads and didn’t seem to find anything that would help me.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Hey,
    The best way is to use your image as the header background then make the topbar background transparent. Should be able to do this right in the theme settings, advanced styling.

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter ktrontx


    Thanks so much for the quick reply. Your advice gave me exactly what I needed. I really thought I had tried that, but I was using the box layout option so maybe that’s where I got messed up.

    Thanks again!


    I am trying to create a top bar that sits translucently above the header (so that the artwork of header rests under SM icons, etc.).

    However, when I set the topbar display as translucent, a white “chunk” appears above the header instead.

    Any suggestions?

    Many thanks.

    Can you post a link?

    Kadence Themes

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