This is a true edge-case to us because login pages are often (and automatically) hidden from the public, but our door is always open for feature requests at our GitHub:
Since TSF gives a big hug to WordPress’s multi-page structure, which you’ve toned down to 1 page, you may find adverse effects, such as conveying misinformation in the admin area and a sitemap that populates with various inaccessible links of the site.
If you want search engines to index the login page (beware of automated brute force attempts…), then you’ll also need to implement this snippet:
// Some unfortunately inapt names, because, well, edge-case...
add_action( 'login_enqueue_scripts', remove_action( 'login_head', 'wp_sensitive_page_meta' ) );
Please mind that the code aforementioned also removes a tag that enhances browser-security, which you probably want to reimplement in the login_head
<meta name='referrer' content='strict-origin-when-cross-origin' />
I hope this sheds some more light on the issue ?? Cheers!