• Hi,
    Summary :
    I need but I don’t know how to do :
    give access to anybody to an UAM group

    Explanation of the need

    I have begun to use UAM one year ago.
    This have been done for two purposes :
    1- Manage the visibility of articles during their development
    2- Manage visibility as on general case described in FAQ

    UAM : a tool for simulation of the functionment of new elements

    The problem is to check elements before lauching the use.
    I explain quickly :
    WP has poor features to simulate a “how a full group of : pages, menu, category …” is going to behave without and before showing everything to real users.
    Ex : I have developed new elements for visitors (with links, categories etc…) but I want to check it (necessarily) before showing it.
    Another constraint is that to check the full behavior (categories selection, keywords, all links, menues etc.) it is necessary to “publish” the elements. This because if not you will not access elements by categories and keywords, the categories are considered with no elements attached and then most of time not displayed etc. (I sent threads on forum about these important limitations).
    A site can be published and shown to any user or closed.
    It is impossible to check a group of new element which interact.

    The solution came from UAM :
    I have created a group first with no users roles defined (then reserved to admin) and I have attached all elements to this UAM group.
    Then everything was functioning for admin but could not be seen by any other user (I leaved only the access for visitors to a default page “The site will open soon, it concerns…).

    In this configuration, if I want others levels of test, I can define other roles (for example define a role like a “test-subscriber” with same rights as a “subscriber” but with another role name) and add it to the previous UAM group. Then a new “tester- user” with the new role will login (or myself using the “switch user” plugin) and can see what will be seen if the UAM group has the role “subscriber” defined, with the limitations of the subscriber role.

    This functions well but the current problem is that it is not possible to use it for “visitors” because “visitors” is not a known role for UAM.
    Even I create a role with the rights of visitors, I will be unable to unlock the access limitation because I cannot say “this UAM group can be accessed by visitors” by checking a “role”.
    A workaround possibility could be to “deactivate” the group temporarily but this function doesn’t exist.
    Another awful workaround possibility is to “suppress” the UAM group and create it again when I would lock again the access, or change the name twice ? Such solution are not really anything else than (in French) “bidouille”.

    I really don’t know how to do : give access to anybody to a UAM group

    Thanks for an idea

    Best regards



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  • Thread Starter Trebly



    I cannot edit the message.
    I have cleared some miswritings and added a reference,
    this is the new version of my message :

    Summary :
    I need to but I don’t know how to do :
    give access to anybody to an UAM group

    Explanation of the need

    I have begun to use UAM one year ago.
    This has been done for two purposes :
    1- Manage the visibility of articles during their development
    2- Manage the visibility in the same way as on general case described in FAQ

    UAM : a tool for simulation of the functionment of new elements

    The problem is to check elements before launching the use.
    I explain quickly :
    WP has poor features to simulate a “how a full group of : pages, menu, category …” is going to behave without and before showing everything to real users.
    Ex : I have developed new elements for visitors (with links, categories etc…) but I want to check it (necessarily) before showing it.
    Another constraint is that before to check the full behavior (categories selection, keywords, all links, menues etc.) it is necessary to “publish” the elements. This because if not you will not access elements by categories and keywords, the categories are considered with no elements attached and then, most of time, not displayed etc. (I sent threads on forum about these important limitations).
    A site can be published and shown to any user or closed.
    It is impossible to check a group of new elements which interacts.

    The solution came from UAM :
    I have created a group first without users roles defined (then reserved to admin) and I have attached all elements to this UAM group.
    Then everything was functioning for the admin user, but could not be seen (what I was wanting) by any other user (I leaved only the access for visitors to a default page “The site will open soon, it concerns…).

    In this configuration, if I want others levels of test, I can define other roles (for example define a role like a “test-subscriber” with same rights as a “subscriber” but with another role name) and add it to the previous “UAM group”. Then a new “tester- user”, with the new role, will login (or myself using the “switch user” plugin) and can see what will be seen if the UAM group has the role “subscriber” defined, with the limitations of the subscriber role.

    This functions well but the current problem is that it is not possible to use it for the “visitors” because “visitors” is not a known role for UAM.
    Even I create a role with the same rights of the visitor role, I will be unable to unlock the access limitation because I cannot say “this UAM group can be accessed by visitors” by checking a “role” or any checkbox.
    A workaround possibility could be to “deactivate” the group temporarily but this function doesn’t exist.
    Another awful workaround possibility is to “suppress” the UAM group and create it again when I would to lock again the access, or quite worse change the name twice ? Such solution are not really anything else than (in French) something as a “bidouille”.

    I really don’t know how to do : to give access to anybody to a UAM group.

    Thanks for an idea

    Best regards


    Note : I found that this question has already been formulated :
    STACKEXCHANGE WordPress group : asked Jul 24 ’13 at 7:15
    wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/107622/i-need-to-assign-a-role-to-visitors-guests at



    If I’m not mistaken, each UAM Group you’ve created has a setting for Read Access and Write Access and a choice for each for Only Group Users or ALL. If you set it to ALL, doesn’t that null the restricted access?

    Thread Starter Trebly



    No, I create an UAM group (“visitors test”) from a new customized group ( “loggedin but as visitor”) which has only the read rights has the visitor.

    Then, when a user is attached to this group after logged-in he will have no more rights than a visitor.

    But the difference is that he will see the elements attached to the UAM group while the visitor still cannot see those.

    When you switch (uncheck the “loggedin but as visitor” and check “custom id visitor”) your UAM group to this second customized group which has no direct*(see note)loogged-in user attached, the UAM group becomes in fact inactivated (the elements linked have no logged-in users to filter but :see note : the visitor which has dynamically be soft -add role to not loggin-in – always the “custom id visitor” role without being logged-in)
    Note that if you have not this second “custom id visitor” and there is no more user group checked, depending of your options the elements can be seen only by the admin or any other level defined in options.
    This while, because of the rights architecture (rights inheritance process), the UAM will not filter the elements with no rights at all but with read allowed for all.

    Best regards


    Note : There are two hidden problem in this above first approach (UAM) in that : the case of the use of the plugin “nav menu roles” with filters the users for menu items access based on the status logged-in or not -> for items based on logged-in status the new customized group must be selected for menu items which must be always seen by “visitor”, if not the filter will be added and the menu item hidden.
    This has the the following result too : you must automatically add the “custom id visitor” role to the not logged in users the visitors. You have then created a “visitor” explicit role which is not native in WP because a visitor is by default a “not logged-in user”. This can be done at start of UAM execution. For best security and coherency default “custom id visitor” roles can be automatically added to UAM for admin, this if it has not been set before by admin, because the soft implements it dynamically.

    Thread Starter Trebly


    You are right Bob.
    If I change to all this disables the limitation of access for the group (the post attached to this user user group)

    I have others problem that I report today;
    Best regards


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