• I am trying to use MultiPost as a way to add a featured image to a post.

    Currently, I am using the WP standard featured image on the post, but would like to use the secondary instead.

    This pastebin has my source for Single.php with the multipost portion commented out. https://pastebin.com/KrYgCQRa

    I have the featured image displaying elsewhere in the theme. In the loop and in the Front Blog Posts page.

    I would like to use my “secondary-image” to display only on my single.php

    I have gotten the thumbnail to display just fine, but having issues getting it in the same format for it to be placed in genesis_entry_header area.

    (If I un comment the MP code right now…it displays on the page just in the top corner…and I believe it does it on all pages.)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as StudioPress deferred me here.


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  • I’m not at all familiar with the genesis theme, however, based on what you have in the code already, you should only have to replace the line

    printf( '<div class="leader-image unbound-div">%s</div>', genesis_get_image( array( 'size' => $size, 'attr' => $default_attr ) ) );


    printf( '<div class="leader-image unbound-div">%s</div>', MultiPostThumbnails ::get_the_post_thumbnail( get_post_type(), 'secondary-image', $post->ID, $size, $default_attr ) );

    MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’)

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