Dear fredsteetsel,
Thank you for your feedback.
Currently, LearnPress does not have the feature to automatically delete an account if an order is aborted. However, we can help you set up a way to prevent user accounts from being created during the purchase process.
To do this, you should only enable the following two options in WooCommerce settings:
- Allow customers to place orders without an account
- Allow customers to log into an existing account during checkout
This setup allows users to make purchases as guests without creating an account. Once the WooCommerce order status changes to “Completed,” an LP Order key is generated, and the LearnPress order is created. The LP Order key will be sent to the guest’s email.
Finally, to access the course, the user must create an account on your site through the account or any other page you provide for account creation. They will then need to enter the LP Order key received in their email on the profile page set up in LearnPress.
Best regards,