• Hi There,

    at first, a big thank you to the Mingle Developers! It’s a great Plugin for WordPress and if I ever earn money with it you will be honored for your work!

    I try to build a community with wordpress without programming skills. That’s hard, but I think it’s possiblew ??

    I think I found an Error in mingle/classes/models/MnglUser.php (line 479)

    When a user Uploads an avatar that is either bigger than 600px in height or in width, file conversion will be stopped without an error message and a “pseudo image name” with an encrypted char string and a .bin file extension will be used for the profile image (avatar), that – of course – cannot be found.

    In mingle/classes/models/MnglUser.php line 479
    The code is:

    $resized_image = image_resize( $tmp_image, 600, 600, false, null, $target_path );

    I replaced the numbers “600” with the image_resize function variables $orig_w and $orig_h.

    Now the code is:
    $resized_image = image_resize( $tmp_image, $orig_w, $orig_h, false, null, $target_path );

    Now a user can upload any size of valid image file types and it works ??

    I don’t know if this is an elegant solution from a programmer’s view, but it works for me and I want to tell the community, if anyone has the same problem.

    Best regards, be nice,


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  • Hi, where can I find this file to edit the code. I probably have even less coding experience than you. I understand that I have to edit the code, but I can’t find the file to edit. Otherwise I think my mingle plugin is working well.

    Thanks for finding this fix.

    my site radiologypatient.com

    Thread Starter Scorp1


    Hi jlkoning,

    at first you have to download your mingle plugin from the WordPress plugins folder (wp-content/plugins/mingle).

    Inside this folder you have to find the file MnglUser.php
    It’s in the folder plugins/mingle/classes/models/

    Then follow the instructions above. Upload your modification, overwrite original file. Done! ??

    P.S. Don’t forget to backup original files, if you’re unsure…

    Good luck, best regards,

    Thanks for the help scorp1! I found the file and edited it. I’m wondering if I delete the mingle plugin and upload the new file will I lose all of my users?


    Thread Starter Scorp1


    Don’t be afraid. Users are stored in the database and are part of the WordPress Core. If you delete the PlugIn files the only thing that happens is, that the PlugIn isn’t there anymore ??
    Dragging the PlugIn’s folder back to its original location (via FTP client) will restore all its functionality.

    Wow I was really hoping this would help my situation. Unfortunately it has not. I followed the process above. Then I tried uploading again, still getting the same error code.

    ERROR: Your Avatar wasn’t able to be saved.
    ERROR: Your Avatar must be a valid jpg, gif or png.

    To weird, I have tried both jpg and png neither of which will work. I do have the plugin really simple avatar, for an easy upload. I did remove this plugin in case there was a conflict. No good, still no picture.
    Any ideas…?

    Thread Starter Scorp1


    You must have set the following directories to CHMOD 777:


    Thread Starter Scorp1


    Hey nqtc, did that work for you?
    Everything allright?

    Hi, I am going to heck this out today and i will get back to you, thanks

    Please, I have the same trouble

    ERROR: Your Avatar wasn’t able to be saved.
    ERROR: Your Avatar must be a valid jpg, gif or png.

    Could you please tell where I can find that CHMOD 777, to change the paths.

    Thank You

    Thread Starter Scorp1


    Start your FTP-Client (e.g. FileZilla).
    Navigate to (or create if not exist) the following two folders:


    Rightclick those two folders and choose something like “File permissions”, “Folder permissions”, “CHMOD” or something similar which indicates to manage access policies.

    Set CHMOD to 777 (this is equal to check all the nince checkboxes for “owner”, “group” and “public” rights).



    Great post by scorp1.Thanks a lot.you solved my issue as well.Thanksssssssssssssss.

    Thread Starter Scorp1


    Thanks, glad to hear ??

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