It seems I caught one situation when ‘Update’ button stops working.
Thanks to @driftmagazine.
Google Chrome browser adds
'Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs'
checkbox to the standard confirmation box if it’s called 2nd time from the same page.
So, you updated role 1st time. Then you made some clicks on user capabilities and pressed ‘Update’ button again. URE showed you the update confirmation request and You turned on ‘Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs’ checkbox and clicked ‘OK’.
Role was updated successfully this time also, but any new click on ‘Update’ button is ignored then, because browser returns ‘false’ automatically for all new JavaScript confirm() function call from this page.
Did someone from this thread authors write about exactly this issue?
Fix for the issue above is easy. I just closed and opened the browser tab with User Role Editor page again. Update confirmation returned back.
I’m not sure if we may look on this issue as the bug, because of ‘Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs’ checkbox is provided by browser itself. Turning it ON here is the same as to answer ‘Yes’ on the question ‘Do you wish that User Role Editor’ stop working?
From other side, I suppose now that it will be useful for some users of URE plugin to have option to switch OFF a role update confirmation dialog. Please confirm.