• Resolved odp123


    Hi Jacob,

    I have looked into your plugin for the use as a gallery on author pages (author.php)

    I found the forum topic https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/user-gallery?replies=78 where you explain how a registrered user can create a personal gallery. Your directions were very clear and after a few minutes I had it up and running as described.

    My question though is, is it possible A) to embed the user gallery on the author page by a querying the user id ie.

    $user = (get_query_var('author_name')) ? get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('author_name')) : get_userdata(get_query_var('author'));

    B) Is it possible for the single users to add images through the backend instead of the frontend ie. Through a form on the user profile page for instance?


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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    A)Please read: https://wppa.opajaap.nl/members/ containing a full explanation of this topic and how it is currently implemented.

    Especially the shortcode arguments album="#owner,#me" and album="#upldr,#me" will have your interest.

    B)Enable backend upload on Table VII-A under Upload photos. They will get a menu item in the admin sidebar.

    Make sure you ticked the box Owners only in Table VII-D1 to make sure they only upload in their own albums. If you want to allow them to edit name and description etc, tick Table VII-D2

    Thread Starter odp123


    OK, so far so good. Backend upload is enabled for the single users.

    But regarding the shortcode I am having a little bit of a problem.
    To be able to use a shortcode in php I am using <?php echo do_shortcode(); ?>

    #owner,#me does not return any gallery and #upldr,#me return the album of the currently logged in user, as you explain. But what I want to achieve is to return the gallery of the ‘author’ regardless of who is logged in or not.

    What I am looking for is something in the lines of:

    $user = (get_query_var('author_name')) ? get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('author_name')) : get_userdata(get_query_var('author'));
    do_shortcode('[wppa type="album" album="$user->ID,0"][/wppa]');

    So fetch the user information based on user id and store in array $user, then use $user->author_name or $user->ID in shortcode to fetch the users gallery regardless of who is logged in

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    If the author is the owner of the album ( the one who created the album ) you can use his login name in ( example for login name joe ):

    [wppa type=”cover” album=”#owner,joe”][/wppa]

    do_shortcode('[wppa type="cover" album="#owner,'.$user->ID.'"][/wppa]');

    If you want to display the photos uploaded by joe use:

    [wppa type=”album” album=”#upldr,joe”][/wppa]

    do_shortcode('[wppa type="album" album="#upldr,'.$user->ID.'"][/wppa]');

    If you want to show all the photos that are in albums created by joe ( so the photos need not to be uploaded by him ):

    [wppa type=”album” album=”#owner,joe”][/wppa]

    do_shortcode('[wppa type="album" album="#owner,'.$user->ID.'"][/wppa]');

    Thread Starter odp123


    here is my code

    echo $curauth->user_login; //outputs test2. user album name is called test2
    echo do_shortcode('[wppa type="cover" album="#owner,'.$curauth->user_login.'"][/wppa]');

    There is one photo in the gallery test2 but the result is “No albums or photos found matching your search criteria.”

    Thread Starter odp123


    got it THANKS!

    echo do_shortcode('[wppa type="cover" album="#owner,'.$curauth->user_login.'"][/wppa]');

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    If you want to use the album name, you can use it with a leading $-sign:

    [wppa type="cover" album="$test2"][/wppa]

    This is case sensitive!

    The number of photos must be > the setting in Table I-A4

    Thread Starter odp123


    marking this as solved. Thanks

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