A “feature request” maybe ? ( or how do I do this ? )
My site is heavily moderated. One only need to browse some of the other popular photo sites ( such as tumblr ) to see why.
We’d like to create a roll ( or group ) for site moderators that are not also administrators, and grant the specific moderator roll rights to moderate ( approve, disapprove, basic admin ) uploaded photos in all albums, but at the same time denying access to upload, settings and such for albums not their own.
Presently ( unless I misunderstand ) the choice is owner only, which is owner and the whole site administrator only, or everybody can do everything to anyone’s albums.
Now, either the administrator has to moderate, not good because the admin workload is greatly increased, or a moderator role has to be granted rights to access areas of the site administration we definitely do not want, or everybody can do everything. We need something between. A photo moderator with limited abilities in the wppa area only.
It seems an third choice along with owners only, which would be nothing checked ( as it is now ) owners only checked ( as it is now ) and a third choice, probably another check box, owners only AND a selected role, which would behave as owners only does now, but rather than being limited to owner and admin, would be limited to the owner, admin, and a selected role, in my case the photo_moderator role.
Can this functionality be achieved as it is now somehow ?