• jksastrology


    A members location is not being saved on their profile page.  However, if you go to edit the profile page, then you can see the original location that was entered.  Do you know why location would be stored on the edit profile page rather then the actual profile view?  
    I am using xprofile fields plugin and BP Distance Search Plugin.
    Also, are you able to tell me where this location data gets stored.  Does it store the data in mysql?
    Out of all my fields, it seems like my location data behaves differently, or is stored differently.  I am not sure why.  Any advice is much appreciated   
    Kind regards,
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  • Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hi Jamie,

    I can’t reproduce this problem, could it be a conflict with another plugin?

    The values of this field are stored in the standard bp_xprofile_data table, along with all your other profile field values.

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