Hi @lejager
I’m experiencing he same problem you were facing here, but in my case, setting the JWT parameter key to data.user.id hasn’t solved the problem.
Would you mind helping me?
On wp-config.php, I have several variables for JWT settings:
I know theses setting are working because a POST request to {base-url}/wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token with a username and password brings a response with a token key…
…and I know this token value (JWT) is valid because:
– I can validate it by verifying its signature with ‘AUTH_KEY’ (AUTH_KEY_VALUE);
– I can decode it and its decoding brings:
– header: {
“typ”: “JWT”,
“alg”: “HS256”
– payload: {
“iss”: {base-url},
“iat”: 1585476672,
“nbf”: 1585476672,
“exp”: 1586081472,
“data”: {
“user”: {
“id”: “1247”
On Simple JWT Login Settings I defined:
– General tab:
– JWT Decryption Key / JWT decryption signature: JWT_AUTH_SECRET_KEY
– JWT Decrypt Algorithm: HS256
– Auth Codes tab:
– Auth Code URL Key: “auth_key”
– Auth Codes: AUTH_KEY
– Auth Codes tab:
– Allow Auto-Login as Yes
– Auto-Login Requires Auth Code: I’ve tried both “No” and “Yes” which brings different erros
– JWT Login Settings: I’ve tried both “Log in by Email” and “Log in by WordPress User ID”
– JWT parameter key: I’ve tried: data.user.id, user.id, id, etc, etc.. o difference
I’m trying to autologin via browser or Postman via GET request to:
– when Auto-Login Requires Auth Code: No => {base-url}?rest_route=/simple-jwt-login/v1/autologin&jwt=JWT
– its response is: {
“success”: false,
“data”: {
“message”: “Signature verification failed”,
“errorCode”: 11
– when Auto-Login Requires Auth Code: Yes => ?rest_route=/simple-jwt-login/v1/autologin&jwt=JWT&auth_key=AUTH_KEY_VALUE
– its response is: {
“success”: false,
“data”: {
“message”: “Invalid Auth Code ( auth_key ) provided.”,
“errorCode”: 27
Why AUTH_KEY_VALUE is said to be invalid if its its signature it verified?
What I doing wrong here?
Thank you very much.