• Resolved raypasnen



    I started trying to get your plugin going a few days ago and so far, love it but now I am completely stuck. When I am logged in and click to my profile page ( https://www.bermuda-americas-cup.com/profile/ ) my profile displays. But when I click my avatar from here (which is linked to a ‘users’ page) I am getting a not found error.

    This also happens when you are on the members page ( https://www.bermuda-americas-cup.com/members/ ) and you click any member. The link goes to their ‘user’ page but this page never exists. I cannot find anything in the UM options to ‘create page’ or such.

    I was using BuddyPress but found your plugin and wanted to give it a try so I deleted all buddypress files and installed yours. Since I noticed this, I have disabled all other plugins and changed the theme to the default (twenty fourteen). All updates are applied and I am running wordpress version 4.1. Shall I do a re-install of wordpress?

    Thank you for any help! From what I see, I really prefer ultimate member to buddypress and I am going to love to figure this out! Thanks again!



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  • Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Hi Ray,

    It is very frustrating to me that you are having this issue and please be sure that I want to do my BEST to help you fix it and start using the Ultimate Member plugin. Please, understand that I can’t debug the issue without having a look at your wp-admin. So please join our forums here:


    Please make a new topic, and in a private reply to that topic, include your site wp-admin.

    I’ll do everything to get it sorted for you, ASAP

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    This issue has been resolved!

    Do you have any tips or hints that helped you solve the issue? Something that I could look into to solve my issue? I am encountering the same issue. When I access the user profile page, I get a message that the page is not found.

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Did you do a theme/plugin test?

    Turn off other plugins, switch to default theme and save permalink structure now. Try profile page now.

    It was the permalink settings. It didnt like the “day and name” option but works fine with the default.

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Thank you so much.

    I have the exact same problem.. I was searching a long time to find the problem..

    It is the permalinks. I am using polylang plugin for having a multilingual site.. I cannot deactivate that!

    aso for example to make it work it has to look like this:

    as soon as you have a different link , (like I have)

    en for english, de for german, es for spanish etc.

    It cannot find anything.. I really would love to use this plugin but I have no idea what I can do here..
    To find the problem took me about 8 houres xD with multiple installations..
    I really hope there is a way to fix it, cuz I cant just turn of a core plugin I am using.

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member



    We only released UM a few months ago so we have not yet had a chance to look at the polylang plugin to see if we can make UM compatible with it.

    I apoligize for this.

    Thanks Ulimate MEmber for the quick reply!

    It is not a problem with Polylang.
    It’s a prbolem with the costum permalink
    as the guy also above me pointed out:

    It was the permalink settings. It didnt like the “day and name” option but works fine with the default.

    As soon as the permalink is different than the default the page cannot be found. Maybe you can find something there!

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    So you were able to resolve it?

    @ultimate Member:

    I have a similar problem which is not solved by the above.
    My page loads, but the form is invisible! The HTML is all there, I can inspect the elements (and actually even fill out the forms), but they refuse to be made visible. Modifying CSS isn’t bringing them forward, turning off plugins which might be competing isn’t making the forms show up…

    Its Login, Register and Profile. All the forms built with a [ultimate-member shortcode]


    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Please add this CSS to your custom CSS;

    .um {
    opacity: 1;


    I have this same issue regarding my user pages not showing up and have tried to understand and implement some of the changes suggested here but not had any success.

    Could you please send me a private message that I can provide with credentials to check my site? (proatamartialarts.com)


    Sorry, I see the request to join the forum for this. moving there now. thanks

    Plugin Author Ultimate Member


    Thanks ??

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