Good day @you4eea
Out of box, no we’ve stuck with just the two mentioned ion our dashboard thus far. However, we do have some code-based methods available to add your own if you wanted. I am not sure how code-savvy you are, but I have provided a quick example for a user’s first name below, which would allow for using a [firstname]
placeholder. There is a comment provided in the snippet as well to help explain what some of the parts are.
function bpro_support_extra_placeholders( $message_parts, $user ) {
* The $message_parts variable will have 3 indexes:
* user_email: holding the email address of the user being moderated
* user_subject: email subject line
* user_message: the message for the appropriate moderation action being performed.
* You'll want to parse out any custom shortcodes matching in a similar way below, fetching the user data as needed using the passed $user object.
$firstname = get_user_meta( $user->data->ID, 'first_name', true );
$message_parts['user_message'] = str_replace( '[firstname]', $firstname, $message_parts['user_message'] );
return $message_parts;
add_filter( 'bpro_hook_before_email', 'bpro_support_extra_placeholders', 10, 2 );
Let me know if you need some help with this, or have some questions/concerns about anything.