• Resolved pioneer6675


    I am having an issue getting anything to change or work in the user account page, adding buttons and removing, i made a custom profile form but the items don’t show up along with the custom meta tags I added, none of the changes are showing on the page, i was under the impression we could make changes to the account pages as i would like to add the woocommerce data to the account page so that my customers can keep their addresses and other information up to date while on the site,

    I have disabled my caching server for the account page also to make sure nothing was interfering with the page loading

    Version Information

    WordPress version 6.4.2
    Active theme: Gat (version 1.13.0)
    Current plugin: Ultimate Member (version 2.8.2)
    PHP version 8.2.15

    Thanks in advance for the help

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  • Thread Starter pioneer6675


    I think i figured out part of this since there is no custom built in account page editor, requires a plugin, but are users supposed to have a user profile page i can edit? Im not sure but i thought it was supposed to be located at


    Since their account is under


    If this is correct i for some reason i am missing the user profile pages on my install, can someone clarify or maybe point me in the right direction?


    Thread Starter pioneer6675


    Another comment, i found the user profile page, for some reason the account page has an incorrect link to the profile page which is under the users avatar and name it says View Profile you can click on it and the link on the page to the users profiles points to


    When it should be pointing to


    Is there any reason why this is doing this and the link in incorrect? and is there a way to correct it?

    Thread Starter pioneer6675


    I resolved it

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