• Resolved ketandebroy


    Hi team,
    Users are getting an error message during registration. The error seems to only appear once the registration is supposedly successful. ‘Error 524 A timeout occurred’. I contacted hosting provider…they suggested to contact your team. Please help me to solve the issue so that users can easily register on my website. Your response regarding the matter will be highly appreciated. Thank You.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Champ Camba


    Hi @ketandebroy

    How many fields are added to your Register form?



    It’s only 13 fields in the UM registration form:


    This is a Cloudflare error message for connection timeout of 100 seconds to your web hosting server.


    Can you test doing the UM registration and bypassing Cloudflare?

    Do you have any caching active at your hosting server?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    I am confused… what exactly I have to do to solve this issue? I am using wp-optimise pluging to clear caches and to optimise files. What exactly I have to do? Can you help me?


    First deactivate the plugin “WP-Optimize” and do a test registration via Cloudflare.

    If this registration failed do the second test.

    Second test turn also off the Cloudflare service and do a test registration with direct connection to your web hosting server.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by missveronica.
    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    Hi, I tried everything but could not solve the issue. Is there any other way to solve this problem? Please help me. I am worried, why this is happening..


    Which version of UM?

    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    Updated version.


    I assume that you mean UM 2.2.2 with updated version.

    Could you please try this pre-release version 2.2.3 and see if the issue still occurs?

    Ensure that you’ve created a backup of your site before you update it.

    Download URL: https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/ultimate-member.2.2.3-beta.zip

    Update by uploading the zip file in:
    WP -> Plugins -> Add new -> Upload plugin -> Install now -> Replace current with uploaded

    When you test new registrations with this beta version also look for and report if any PHP errors in the error logs.


    WAIT updating with this UM Beta version it seems to be problems with the code.


    Now you can update to the latest beta version of UM 2.2.3

    The download URL above is still valid as the file has been replaced after these issues:


    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    Hi… I have installed the version 2.2.3. But I can see the same problem. What may be the reason?


    Can you publish here with the Forum CODE format your “Install Info” from UM -> Settings?

    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    Yes I can.

    ### Begin Install Info ###
    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##
    --- Site Info ---
    Site URL:					https://creativejagat.com
    Home URL:					https://creativejagat.com
    Multisite:					No
    --- Hosting Provider ---
    Host:						DBH: localhost, SRV: creativejagat.com
    --- User Browser ---
    Platform:                 Windows 
    Browser Name:             Chrome  
    Browser Version:          92.0.4515.159 
    User Agent String:        Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Wi 
    			  n64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KH
                              TML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.451
                              5.159 Safari/537.36
    ---- Current User Details --
    Role: administrator
    --- WordPress Configurations ---
    Version:						5.8
    Language:					en_US
    Permalink Structure:			/%postname%/
    Active Theme:				Kadence 1.0.30
    Page On Front:				Home (#9378)
    Page For Posts:				 (#0)
    ABSPATH:					/home/u152996332/domains/creativejagat.com/public_html/
    All Posts/Pages:				10
    WP Remote Post:           		wp_remote_post() works
    WP_DEBUG:                 			Disabled
    WP Table Prefix:          			Length: 3, Status: Acceptable
    Memory Limit:   				40MB
    --- UM Configurations ---
    Version:						2.2.3-beta
    Upgraded From:            		2.1.17-alpha
    Current URL Method:			
    Cache User Profile:			Yes
    Generate Slugs on Directories:	Yes
    Force UTF-8 Encoding: 		No
    JS/CSS Compression: 			No
    Port Forwarding in URL: 		No
    Exclude CSS/JS on Home: 		No
    --- UM Pages Configuration ---
    User:						https://creativejagat.com/user/
    Account:						https://creativejagat.com/account/
    Members:					https://creativejagat.com/members/
    Register:						https://creativejagat.com/register/
    Login:						https://creativejagat.com/login/
    Logout:						https://creativejagat.com/logout/
    Password Reset:				https://creativejagat.com/password-reset/
    --- UM Users Configuration ---
    Default New User Role: 		subscriber
    Profile Permalink Base:		user_login
    User Display Name:			full_name
    Force Name to Uppercase:		No
    Redirect author to profile: 		Yes
    Enable Members Directory:	Yes
    Use Gravatars: 				No
    Require a strong password: 	Off
    --- UM Access Configuration ---
    Panic Key: 								
    Global Site Access:						Site accessible to Everyone
    Backend Login Screen for Guests:			No
    Redirect to alternative login page:			
    Backend Register Screen for Guests:		No
    Redirect to alternative register page:		
    Access Control widget for Admins only: 		No
    Enable the Reset Password Limit:			No
    Blacklist Words: 							5
    --- UM Email Configurations ---
    Mail appears from:  			Creative Jagat
    Mail appears from address:  	[email protected]
    Use HTML for E-mails:   		Yes
    Account Welcome Email:  		Yes
    Account Activation Email:   	Yes
    Pending Review Email:   		No
    Account Approved Email: 		No
    Account Rejected Email: 		No
    Account Deactivated Email:  	Yes
    Account Deleted Email:  		Yes
    Password Reset Email:   		Yes
    Password Changed Email: 		Yes
    --- UM Total Users ---
    				All Users(13)
    --- UM Roles ---
    				Administrator (administrator)
    Editor (editor)
    Author (author)
    Contributor (contributor)
    Subscriber (subscriber)
    Customer (customer)
    Shop manager (shop_manager)
    GiveWP Manager (give_manager)
    GiveWP Accountant (give_accountant)
    GiveWP Worker (give_worker)
    GiveWP Donor (give_donor)
    SEO Manager (wpseo_manager)
    SEO Editor (wpseo_editor)
    Organizer (organizer)
    Moderator (moderator)
    --- UM Custom Templates ---
    --- UM Email HTML Templates ---
    --- Web Server Configurations ---
    PHP Version:              			8.0.7
    MySQL Version:            			5.5.5
    Web Server Info:          			LiteSpeed
    --- PHP Configurations ---
    PHP Memory Limit:         			512M
    PHP Upload Max Size:      			256M
    PHP Post Max Size:        			256M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize:  			256M
    PHP Time Limit:           			300
    PHP Max Input Vars:       			5000
    PHP Arg Separator:        			&
    PHP Allow URL File Open:  			Yes
    --- Web Server Extensions/Modules ---
    DISPLAY ERRORS:           			N/A
    FSOCKOPEN:                			Your server supports fsockopen.
    cURL:                     			Your server supports cURL.
    SOAP Client:              			Your server has the SOAP Client enabled.
    SUHOSIN:                  			Your server does not have SUHOSIN installed.
    GD Library:               			PHP GD library is installed on your web server.
    Mail:                     			PHP mail function exist on your web server.
    Exif:				          PHP Exif library is installed on your web server.
    --- Session Configurations ---
    Session:                  			Disabled
    Session Name:             			PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path:              			/
    Save Path:                			/opt/alt/php80/var/lib/php/session
    Use Cookies:              			On
    Use Only Cookies:         			On
    --- WordPress Active Plugins ---
    				ACF Frontend: 3.0.32
    Advanced Custom Fields: 5.9.9
    Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced): 5.6.0
    Anonymous Restricted Content: 1.5.4
    Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster:
    Big File Uploads: 2.0.1
    Classic Editor: 1.6.2
    Easy Social Like Box - Popup - Sidebar Widget: 3.2
    Easy Username Updater: 1.0.4
    Elementor: 3.4.2
    Facebook for WooCommerce: 2.6.1
    Google Ads & Marketing by Kliken: 1.0.7
    Health Check & Troubleshooting: 1.4.5
    Ivory Search: 4.6.5
    Jetpack: 10.0
    Join.chat: 4.1.15
    Portfolio Filter Gallery: 1.3.3
    Post Views Counter: 1.3.5
    Premium Addons for Elementor: 4.4.9
    Really Simple SSL: 5.0.8
    Sassy Social Share: 3.3.23
    Smart Slider 3:
    Super Progressive Web Apps: 2.1.15
    Ultimate Member: 2.2.3-beta
    UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore: 1.16.60
    UPI QR Code Payment Gateway: 1.2.2
    WordPress Starter: 1.1.8
    WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.1.12
    wpDiscuz: 7.2.2
    WP Easy Updates: 1.1.18
    WP Event Manager: 3.1.21
    WPForms Lite:
    WP Mail SMTP: 3.0.3
    WP Maintenance Mode: 2.4.1
    WP PleaseWait: 2.2.3
    WP ULike: 4.5.4
    WP User Manager: 2.6.2
    Yoast SEO: 16.9
    Youtube Subscribe: 3.0.0
    ### End Install Info ###


    Enable debugging with the instructions in this section:
    “Example wp-config.php for Debugging”.


    Make your registration test.
    Look at the /wp-content/debug.log file for any PHP errors.
    Copy and display the PHP errors in the Forum.

    Thread Starter ketandebroy


    Can you please help me if I share Wp-access privately?

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