OK thank for the feedback in this way, that help me to understand.
I think the main issue is that the default registered group ids are 387 and 392 in my phpBB installation
here i’m little confused: is see Registered group is a default phpBB group that exist and can’t be removed, i so think you should have it or i’ve not understand the phpBB documentation about this (or how it is managed by phpBB).
open phpBB ACP
open tab users and groups
choose -> Group forum permissions from menu
Then choose from Look up usergroup: Registered Users
you do not see Registered users group on list?
Assuming that you have the Registered group in phpBB, but maybe i’m wrong, setting Forum view permission for Registered Group they should view forums.
Isn’t it?
I’ve not exactly understand how you achieve this
registered group ids are 387 and 392 in my phpBB installation
it is a behavior of an installed mod?
1) in WP w3all phpBB plugin: to have a filter or config variables for default registered group ids (to have something else than 2 and 7).
i have think to something that should display available phpBB Groups, where will be possible to select a default group where the new WP user should be added by default. But after i’ve not get any report about this possible issue that i’ve suppose come out if wrong settings about Gropus and Permissions in phpBB.
in phpBB: show forums even though user is not belonging to any group in phpBB. Don’t know if this is possible.
an user that not belong to any usergroup is a guest that make non sense, and of course a guest can view, and also post without restrictions.
I’m around this to understand better, because maybe it has been coded basing the concept to default values, and may the code of course can be improved in case …
in my installation i cannot remove the Registered user group, which belong to Pre-defined groups, so asking my self:
how you’ve setup to be default on registration the other group?
how you have remove the Registered users group (that should exist)?
This reply was modified 7 years ago by