• I have created a website with 3.01. It is at https://www.art2stem.org/home. This site has 10 subsites (art2stem.org/apollo, for example). This site is for a School System “Club”. This club has a main site (for overall general information and such) and then each school has it’s own “club site”. The school administrators need access to the main site (to be able to add/edit/remove content), the “coaches” of each club need access to only their club site (art2stem.org/apollo, for example). I have created the site and the sub sites and am now trying to grant access to the individual coaches to their sites. I tried to add a user via the backend “new user” and that did not work properly – the user was given a name of “unverified_367ef658”. So I logged out of the site, went to the subsite (art2stem.org/apollo) and clicked “register”, I entered a username and email address. I was able to register this way, but the person is now registered for the MAIN site (art2stem.org) NOT the sub site (art2stem.org/apollo). I have spent weeks on this project, have I set this up completely wrong?

    I really need some help with this as quickly as possible. This site is set to go live on Friday August 20th.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi there! ??

    Just for some clarification:

    Do you have a single WordPress install – as in one WordPress install for everything (the main site, all the subsites) – or are you using WordPress MU?

    Thread Starter JustDuckyDesigns


    I am using WordPress 3.01. I was told that WordPress MU was no longer necessary because 3.0 allows for multiple users – that’s why I created this site in WordPress 3.0

    ecause 3.0 allows for multiple users

    it allows for multiple blogs

    @ Sam:

    Maybe this thread should be moved to the Multisite forum? It seems that it might be better suited for there where other users are also running a multisite version. ??

    Thread Starter JustDuckyDesigns



    I outlined exactly what I needed to do for this project on this forum over a month ago. I was advised by several people that, YES, WordPress 3.0 can do exactly what you need. So I have put over a month into this project and now you are going to tell me that it’s not going to work?

    didn’t say it wouldn’t work – I said it is for multiple blogs
    the user set up is normal but I don’t understand why the weird names

    I will tag this and move it to multisite and maybe Andrea the multisite guru will see it and can help you

    . I tried to add a user via the backend “new user” and that did not work properly – the user was given a name of “unverified_367ef658”.

    Yeah, that’s not right.

    I was able to register this way, but the person is now registered for the MAIN site (art2stem.org) NOT the sub site (art2stem.org/apollo).

    Yep, this is a two-step process. (yes, I *know*.)

    If you as the Super Admin are adding users to the network, you need to go to Super Admin -> Users and add them there.

    Then you will need to assign them to the sites you want. Go to Super Admin -> Sites, edit the site and on the lower right, there’s a box to add registered users.

    this plugin may help make it easier if they’ll be added to the same sites:

    this plugin gives a widget so users alreayd signed up to the network can add themselves to a site (they have to be logged in first):

    thanks Andrea – you’re awesome

    Thread Starter JustDuckyDesigns


    Ok, I think we are close. I was able to go to the sub site, register, then login as Super Admin and assign that person to the site I want. The problem is the “coaches” need access to their entire sub site but NOT access to the main site. Only the school administrators should have access to that.

    This problem will be more complicated in the next step:

    Each sub site will have about a dozen more sub sites, each club will have a site for each club member. They will only have the ability to access (add/edit/delete/choose a theme) for their OWN site – they cannot have access to the main site or the sub site.

    This is how it should be laid out:

    The main site: “art2stem.org” – Super Admin access only
    A club site: “art2stem.org/apollo” – Coaches/Teachers access only (editor role) – No access to main site
    Participant site: “art2stem.org/clubmember1 – Participant access only – full access – NO access to club site or to main site

    Anyone who signs up to the entire network needs to have access to an admin area somewhere so they can edit their profile. So, even when they have access to the backend of the main site, the literally can only see the dashboard and their profile. that’s it. they can’t *do* anything else.

    You can use the Dashboard blog function to redirect them elsewhere if they don’t have a site to call home. It’s under Super Admin -> Options.

    If you make a site someone’s “primary” site, they will be redirected there when they login to the backend.

    If you’re the one adding users to the network, and picking what sites they belong to… well, the users themselves can’t change that. Not by default, and not if you have closed registration. So you already have what you want.

    (Super Admin has access to everything, everywhere, at all times.)

    It’s a good idea to remember that you’re setting up your own mini wordpress.com, and the logins work the same way.

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