• belialcouk


    Hey there.
    I’ve recently picked up the hat of being my local running club webmaster, and have plumped to replace the static pages for the current website with a WP installation. I’ve done some WP and PHP dev in the past, but wanted to see if you could help with the following 2 queries:
    1) I want to delegate the task of adding race results to a group of users. I don’t want to have to do that myself. At the moment, to have access to the WP Athletics tab in the Dashboard they have to have “Administrator” role… I don’t particularly want them to have such godly rights on the system. Is there a plugin you know of or mechanism whereby I can manage this level of access granularity?
    2) The club has an annual cup called LEJOG (Lands End to John O’Groats), basically to see who can do the cumulative distance as part of races throughout the year. Your database has the data, is there anyway I can write something or get access to the total distance a runner has run during a given period? (Week/Month/Year) Sorted by that total distance obviously!
    Thanks in advance for your help.


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  • Thread Starter belialcouk


    Ok, I’ve fixed question 1 using https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wpfront-user-role-editor/.

    Can you help with question 2?

    Thread Starter belialcouk


    In the interim, I’ve used the “dbview” plugin to query the db for the curren yearly standings for LEJOG. The view I’ve created has the following query:
    select wp_users.display_name as "Athlete Name", sum(wp_wpa_event_cat.distance_meters)*0.000621371192 as "Miles" from wp_wpa_result, wp_wpa_event, wp_wpa_event_cat, wp_users where wp_users.id = wp_wpa_result.user_id and wp_wpa_result.event_id = wp_wpa_event.id and wp_wpa_event.event_cat_id = wp_wpa_event_cat.id and year(wp_wpa_event.date) = year(now()) group by wp_users.id
    This is obviously not ideal, but with the shortcode:
    [dbview name='lejog_current' pagesize=10 sort='Miles' order='desc']
    … it will do for the moment. Obviously the query doesn’t take in to account the variable prefix on tables, but my installation is using the default “wp_” so works fine.



    Good ideas.. I may play a bit myself with this myself. I am coming up to speed with WP development but don’t see why it wouldn’t be possible. Thanks for sharing.

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