Hi there.
It’s not possible right now with FooGallery but from memory it has been discussed by the development team as a possible new feature.
In the meantime it might be possible to do using other plugins although I haven’t tested this directly.
If you have one Gravity Forms one option might be to use Gravity Forms Custom Post Types plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/gravity-forms-custom-post-types/) to take the Gravity Forms front-end user submission and assign the content to the FooGallery post type.
Again, I can’t be sure this will work as I haven’t tested it but I’ve used the Gravity Forms and Gravity Forms Custom Post Types plugin in other applications successfully.
On a related note: if a user were able to do a front end submission to a FooGallery would you want to have an approval process to review the image first? Or have it go straight into the gallery and be displayed immediately?
Thanks in advance,