• Resolved Behnam Nikkhah


    I’ve started with this plugin for a website I’m making and it works great! Fantastic work on this guys.

    Just one thing. Whenever I get the approval email with the username and password, I get the username just fine, but the password shows up as Chosen Password, but instead I want the full password to be shown.

    Here’s a sample copy I get from the email:

    Dear John Doe,
    Your account status has been approved! You may now login to the member area at the following URL:
    URL of the site here
    Username: 1640819216
    Password: Chosen Password // <-- I want the full password to show (not this)

    Do you guys know if there’s a setting or anything I can change for the password to show in full?

    Thank-you for your help!

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Hi @bnikkhah,

    The password smart tag does show “Chosen Password” as per the current version of the plugin. The use of this smart tag is a bit debatable feature because there are both positive and negative supports for sending the password in emails in a clear text format. It may cause a security concern to the site users if ever their emails are compromised so currently, we have done so.
    The topic is still under discussion so we will work on it after we have enough points to justify usage of it. We would really be glad to have your feedback on it.

    Let me know what you think and we will consider your feedback during the development of the plugin.


    Thread Starter Behnam Nikkhah


    @sharmadpk03 Ok, no problem! Thanks for the reply!

    Hi! My client is asking me to show the password and I don’t know how to do it.
    I’ve also tried using a ‘Password input’ and when I want to use that smart tag, it works, but then, I don’t know how to make this new pass input value has the same value as my password field.


    And if you don’t want to deal with developers telling you what you can and cannot do with data, here’s the class-ur-emailer.php file with that functionality disabled. Use at your own risk.

    * Emailer class
    * @class UR_Emailer
    * @version 1.0.0
    * @package UserRegistration/Classes

    if ( ! defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) {

    * UR_Emailer Class.
    class UR_Emailer {

    * Query vars to add to wp
    * @var public array Query vars to add to wp
    public $query_vars = array();

    * Init function.
    public static function init() {

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_email_setting_disable_email’ ) ) {

    add_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_before’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_send_email_before’ ) );
    add_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_after’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_send_email_after’ ) );


    * Apply filters to modify sender’s details before email is sent.
    public static function ur_send_email_before() {
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_sender_email’ ) );
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from_name’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_sender_name’ ) );

    * Remove filters after the email is sent.
    * @since 1.4.6
    public static function ur_send_email_after() {
    remove_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_sender_email’ ) );
    remove_filter( ‘wp_mail_from_name’, array( __CLASS__, ‘ur_sender_name’ ) );

    * Sender’s Email address
    * @return string sender’s email
    public static function ur_sender_email() {
    $sender_email = get_option( ‘user_registration_email_from_address’, get_option( ‘admin_email’ ) );
    return $sender_email;

    * Sender’s name.
    * @return string sender’s name
    public static function ur_sender_name() {
    $sender_name = get_option( ‘user_registration_email_from_name’, esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ) );
    return $sender_name;

    * Emails Headers.
    * @return string email header
    public static function ur_get_header() {
    $header = ‘From: ‘ . self::ur_sender_name() . ‘ <‘ . self::ur_sender_email() . “>\r\n”;
    $header .= ‘Reply-To: ‘ . self::ur_sender_email() . “\r\n”;
    $header .= “Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n”;

    return $header;

    * Email sending process after registration hook.
    * @param array $valid_form_data Form filled data.
    * @param int $form_id Form ID.
    * @param int $user_id User ID.
    * @return void
    public static function ur_after_register_mail( $valid_form_data, $form_id, $user_id ) {

    $attachments = apply_filters( ‘user_registration_email_attachment’, array(), $valid_form_data, $form_id, $user_id );
    $valid_form_data = isset( $valid_form_data ) ? $valid_form_data : array();
    $name_value = array();
    $data_html = ”;

    // Generate $data_html string to replace for {{all_fields}} smart tag.
    foreach ( $valid_form_data as $field_meta => $form_data ) {
    if ( ‘user_confirm_password’ === $field_meta ) {

    // Donot include privacy policy value.
    if ( isset( $form_data->extra_params[‘field_key’] ) && ‘privacy_policy’ === $form_data->extra_params[‘field_key’] ) {

    // Process for file upload.
    if ( isset( $form_data->extra_params[‘field_key’] ) && ‘file’ === $form_data->extra_params[‘field_key’] ) {
    $form_data->value = isset( $form_data->value ) ? wp_get_attachment_url( $form_data->value ) : ”;

    $label = isset( $form_data->extra_params[‘label’] ) ? $form_data->extra_params[‘label’] : ”;
    $field_name = isset( $form_data->field_name ) ? $form_data->field_name : ”;
    $value = isset( $form_data->value ) ? $form_data->value : ”;

    // if ( ‘user_pass’ === $field_meta ) {
    // $value = __( ‘Chosen Password’, ‘user-registration’ );
    // }

    // Check if value contains array.
    if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
    $value = implode( ‘,’, $value );

    $data_html .= $label . ‘ : ‘ . $value . ‘<br/>’;

    $name_value[ $field_name ] = $value;

    // Smart tag process for extra fields.
    $name_value = apply_filters( ‘user_registration_process_smart_tag’, $name_value, $form_data, $form_id, $user_id );

    $email_object = isset( $valid_form_data[‘user_email’] ) ? $valid_form_data[‘user_email’] : array();
    $user_login_object = isset( $valid_form_data[‘user_login’] ) ? $valid_form_data[‘user_login’] : array();
    $email = isset( $email_object->value ) && ! empty( $email_object->value ) ? $email_object->value : ”;
    $username = isset( $user_login_object->value ) && ! empty( $user_login_object->value ) ? $user_login_object->value : ”;

    if ( ! empty( $email ) && ! empty( $user_id ) ) {

    do_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_before’ );

    self::send_mail_to_user( $email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments );
    self::send_mail_to_admin( $email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments );

    do_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_after’ );

    * Email sending process after profile details changed by user.
    * @param int $user_id User ID.
    * @param int $form_id Form ID.
    * @return void
    * @since 1.6.3
    public static function ur_profile_details_changed_mail( $user_id, $form_id ) {
    $profile = user_registration_form_data( $user_id, $form_id );
    $name_value = array();
    $data_html = ”;
    $smart_data = array();
    $email = ”;
    $user_data = get_userdata( $user_id );
    $username = $user_data->user_login;

    // Generate $data_html string to replace for {{all_fields}} smart tag.
    foreach ( $profile as $key => $form_data ) {
    $field_name = str_replace( ‘user_registration_’, ”, $key );

    // Check if value contains array.
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
    $value = ur_clean( $_POST[ $key ] );
    if ( is_array( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) {
    $value = implode( ‘,’, $_POST[ $key ] );
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

    $data_html .= $form_data[‘label’] . ‘ : ‘ . $value . ‘<br/>’;
    $field_key = isset( $form_data[‘field_key’] ) ? $form_data[‘field_key’] : ”;
    $name_value[ $field_name ] = $value;

    if ( ‘user_email’ === $field_name ) {
    $email = $value;
    $tmp_data[‘value’] = $value;
    $tmp_data[‘field_type’] = $form_data[‘type’];
    $tmp_data[‘label’] = $form_data[‘label’];
    $tmp_data[‘field_name’] = $field_name;
    $tmp_data[‘extra_params’] = array(
    ‘field_key’ => $field_key,
    ‘label’ => $form_data[‘label’],

    array_push( $smart_data, $tmp_data );

    // Smart tag process for extra fields.
    $attachments = apply_filters( ‘user_registration_email_attachment’, array(), $smart_data, $form_id, $user_id );
    $name_value = apply_filters( ‘user_registration_process_smart_tag’, $name_value, $smart_data, $form_id, $user_id );

    if ( ! empty( $email ) && ! empty( $user_id ) ) {

    do_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_before’ );

    self::send_profile_changed_email_to_admin( $email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments );

    do_action( ‘user_registration_email_send_after’ );

    * Trigger the user email.
    * @param string $email Email of the user.
    * @param string $username Username of the user.
    * @param int $user_id User id.
    * @param string $data_html String replaced with {{all_fields}} smart tag.
    * @param array $name_value Array to replace with extra fields smart tag.
    * @param array $attachments Email Attachment.
    * @return void
    public static function send_mail_to_user( $email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments ) {

    $form_id = ur_get_form_id_by_userid( $user_id );
    $login_option = ur_get_single_post_meta( $form_id, ‘user_registration_form_setting_login_options’, get_option( ‘user_registration_general_setting_login_options’, ‘default’ ) );
    $attachment = isset( $attachments[‘user’] ) ? $attachments[‘user’] : ”;
    $status = ur_get_user_approval_status( $user_id );
    $email_status = get_user_meta( $user_id, ‘ur_confirm_email’, true );
    $email_token = get_user_meta( $user_id, ‘ur_confirm_email_token’, true );
    $values = array(
    ‘username’ => $username,
    ’email’ => $email,
    ‘all_fields’ => $data_html,
    ’email_token’ => $email_token,

    if ( ‘0’ === $email_status ) {
    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_email_confirmation_subject’, __( ‘Please confirm your registration on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Email_Confirmation();
    $message = $message->ur_get_email_confirmation();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_email_confirmation’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header(), $attachment );
    } elseif ( 0 === intval( $status ) ) {
    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_awaiting_admin_approval_email_subject’, __( ‘Thank you for registration on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Awaiting_Admin_Approval_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_awaiting_admin_approval_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_awaiting_admin_approval_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_awaiting_admin_approval_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header(), $attachment );
    } elseif ( -1 === intval( $status ) ) {
    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_denied_email_subject’, __( ‘Sorry! Registration denied on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Registration_Denied_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_registration_denied_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_denied_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_registration_denied_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header(), $attachment );
    } elseif ( ‘default’ === $login_option || ‘auto_login’ === $login_option ) {
    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_successfully_registered_email_subject’, __( ‘Congratulations! Registration Complete on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Successfully_Registered_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_successfully_registered_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_successfully_registered_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_successfully_registered_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header(), $attachment );

    * Trigger the admin email.
    * @param string $user_email Email of the user.
    * @param string $username Username of the user.
    * @param int $user_id User id.
    * @param string $data_html String replaced with {{all_fields}} smart tag.
    * @param array $name_value Array to replace with extra fields smart tag.
    * @param array $attachments Email Attachement.
    * @return void
    public static function send_mail_to_admin( $user_email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments ) {

    $header = “Reply-To: {{email}} \r\n”;
    $header .= ‘Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8’;

    $attachment = isset( $attachments[‘admin’] ) ? $attachments[‘admin’] : ”;
    $admin_email = get_option( ‘user_registration_admin_email_receipents’, get_option( ‘admin_email’ ) );
    $admin_email = explode( ‘,’, $admin_email );
    $admin_email = array_map( ‘trim’, $admin_email );

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_admin_email_subject’, __( ‘A New User Registered’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Admin_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_admin_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_admin_email’, $message );

    $values = array(
    ‘username’ => $username,
    ’email’ => $user_email,
    ‘all_fields’ => $data_html,
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );
    $header = self::parse_smart_tags( $header, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_admin_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    foreach ( $admin_email as $email ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, $header, $attachment );

    * Trigger status change email while admin changes users status on admin approval.
    * @param string $email Email address of the user.
    * @param string $username Username of the user.
    * @param int $status Stautus of the user.
    * @return void
    public static function status_change_email( $email, $username, $status ) {

    // Get name value pair to replace smart tag.
    $name_value = self::user_data_smart_tags( $email );

    $values = array(
    ‘username’ => $username,
    ’email’ => $email,

    $headers = array( ‘Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8’ );

    if ( 0 === intval( $status ) ) {

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_pending_email_subject’, __( ‘Sorry! Registration changed to pending on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Registration_Pending_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_registration_pending_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_pending_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_registration_pending_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header() );
    } elseif ( -1 === intval( $status ) ) {

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_denied_email_subject’, __( ‘Sorry! Registration denied on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Registration_Denied_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_registration_denied_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_denied_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_registration_denied_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header() );
    } else {

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_approved_email_subject’, __( ‘Congratulations! Registration approved on {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Registration_Approved_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_registration_approved_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_registration_approved_email’, $message );
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_registration_approved_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header() );

    * Lost Password Email Trigger
    * @param string $user_login username.
    * @param obj $user_data user object.
    * @param string $key password reset key.
    * @return bool
    public static function lost_password_email( $user_login, $user_data, $key ) {

    $user = get_user_by( ‘login’, $user_login );
    $email = isset( $user->data->user_email ) ? $user->data->user_email : ”;
    $username = isset( $user->data->user_login ) ? $user->data->user_login : ”;

    if ( empty( $email ) || empty( $username ) ) {
    return false;

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_reset_password_email_subject’, __( ‘Password Reset Email: {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Reset_Password_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_reset_password_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_reset_password_email’, $message );

    $values = array(
    ‘username’ => $username,
    ’email’ => $email,
    ‘key’ => $key,

    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_reset_password_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, self::ur_get_header() );
    return true;

    return false;

    * Trigger the admin email after profile details changed by user.
    * @param string $user_email Email of the user.
    * @param string $username Username of the user.
    * @param int $user_id User id.
    * @param string $data_html String replaced with {{all_fields}} smart tag.
    * @param array $name_value Array to replace with extra fields smart tag.
    * @param array $attachments Email Attachement.
    * @return void
    * @since 1.6.3
    public static function send_profile_changed_email_to_admin( $user_email, $username, $user_id, $data_html, $name_value, $attachments ) {

    $header = “Reply-To: {{email}} \r\n”;
    $header .= ‘Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8’;

    $attachment = isset( $attachments[‘admin’] ) ? $attachments[‘admin’] : ”;
    $admin_email = get_option( ‘user_registration_edit_profile_email_receipents’, get_option( ‘admin_email’ ) );
    $admin_email = explode( ‘,’, $admin_email );
    $admin_email = array_map( ‘trim’, $admin_email );

    $subject = get_option( ‘user_registration_profile_details_changed_email_subject’, __( ‘Profile Details Changed Email: {{blog_info}}’, ‘user-registration’ ) );
    $message = new UR_Settings_Profile_Details_Changed_Email();
    $message = $message->ur_get_profile_details_changed_email();
    $message = get_option( ‘user_registration_profile_details_changed_email’, $message );

    $values = array(
    ‘username’ => $username,
    ’email’ => $user_email,
    ‘all_fields’ => $data_html,
    $message = self::parse_smart_tags( $message, $values, $name_value );
    $subject = self::parse_smart_tags( $subject, $values, $name_value );
    $header = self::parse_smart_tags( $header, $values, $name_value );

    if ( ‘yes’ === get_option( ‘user_registration_enable_profile_details_changed_email’, ‘yes’ ) ) {
    foreach ( $admin_email as $email ) {
    wp_mail( $email, $subject, $message, $header, $attachment );

    * Process smart tags for status change emails.
    * @param string $email User Email.
    * @since 1.5.0
    * @return array smart tag key value pair.
    public static function user_data_smart_tags( $email ) {
    $name_value = array();
    $user = get_user_by( ’email’, $email );
    $user_id = isset( $user->ID ) ? absint( $user->ID ) : 0;

    $user_fields = ur_get_user_table_fields();

    foreach ( $user_fields as $field ) {
    $name_value[ $field ] = isset( $user->data->$field ) ? $user->data->$field : ”;

    $user_meta_fields = ur_get_registered_user_meta_fields();

    // Use name_value for smart tag to replace.
    foreach ( $user_meta_fields as $field ) {
    $name_value[ $field ] = get_user_meta( $user_id, $field, true );

    $user_extra_fields = ur_get_user_extra_fields( $user_id );
    $name_value = array_merge( $name_value, $user_extra_fields );

    return apply_filters( ‘user_registration_process_smart_tag_for_status_change_emails’, $name_value, $email );

    * Parse Smart tags for emails.
    * @param string $content Contents.
    * @param array $values Data values.
    * @param array $name_value Extra values.
    private static function parse_smart_tags( $content = ”, $values = array(), $name_value = array() ) {
    $smart_tags = array(

    $ur_login = ( ur_get_page_permalink( ‘myaccount’ ) !== get_home_url() ) ? ur_get_page_permalink( ‘myaccount’ ) : wp_login_url();
    $ur_login = str_replace( get_home_url() . ‘/’, ”, $ur_login );

    $default_values = array(
    ‘username’ => ”,
    ’email’ => ”,
    ’email_token’ => ”,
    ‘blog_info’ => get_bloginfo(),
    ‘home_url’ => get_home_url(),
    ‘ur_login’ => $ur_login,
    ‘key’ => ”,
    ‘all_fields’ => ”,
    ‘user_pass’ => ”,
    $values = wp_parse_args( $values, $default_values );

    if ( ! empty( $values[’email’] ) ) {
    $user_data = self::user_data_smart_tags( $values[’email’] );
    if ( is_array( $name_value ) && ! empty( $name_value ) ) {
    $user_data = array_merge( $user_data, $name_value );
    $values = array_merge( $values, $user_data );
    // array_walk(
    // $values,
    // function( &$value, $key ) {
    // if ( ‘user_pass’ === $key ) {
    // $value = esc_html__( ‘Chosen Password’, ‘user-registration’ );
    // }
    // }
    // );

    $user_smart_tags = array_keys( $user_data );
    function( &$value ) {
    $value = ‘{{‘ . trim( $value, ‘{}’ ) . ‘}}’;
    $smart_tags = array_merge( $smart_tags, $user_smart_tags );
    $smart_tags = apply_filters( ‘user_registration_smart_tags’, $smart_tags );
    $content = str_replace( $smart_tags, array_values( $values ), $content );

    return $content;


    Hm, that comment ended up being alot longer than expected. Shoulda just pasted in the excerpts.

    Either way, give the option to the user and allow them to choose on their own what they’d like to do. Yes, there may be security reasons to not do it, but that’s up to them to decide. They may require that functionality for certain reasons, which I definitely did so that I could automate sending login information for new accounts.

    If anything include a warning so that the admin understands the risks.

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