• Hi,
    Some users are creating an account that’s already approved without being approved by admin. How is this possible?


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  • Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @alloffus,

    What version of the plugin you have installed on your site?
    Have you tried to replicate this issue by registering a test user?
    Do you have unique registration pages for different user roles?


    Thread Starter alloffus


    The version currently installed is (1.3.88, I have also tried creating test accounts which works fine, however after doing some further investigations I have discovered that the users are spam e-mails so I have installed the (Anti-Spam by CleanTalk) which seems to be working for now however, I cant understand how they were able to become automatically approved?


    Plugin Support Ultimate Member Support


    Hi @alloffus,

    You can try to install our free re-captcha extension and see if it stops spam registrations.


    Hi. Look at the setting on the role itself under Registration Status. There are options there that determine if they are automatically approved or not.

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