• Hello,

    I’m using WordPress, with BuddyPress & BBPress (all updated to the latest).
    For the last few days when Users try and logon they get an error message as follows:

    “Service Temporarily Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.”

    Logging in with a social profile still works but most of my site users don’t do this.

    I’ve spoke to my hosting company 1and1 but they said the problem isn’t at their end.

    I’m not sure if this is a BuddyPress, WordPress or BBPress issue, please forgive me if I’m posting to the wrong forum but can you help please!

    My website is: https://www.whichinvestmenttrust.com

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  • Thread Starter dice2dice


    I have spoke to 1and1 and they have confirmed the issue is their fault.

    There is a problem with their servers and WordPress. They are working to resolve it right now but they wouldn’t confirm when it will be resolved.

    They will send me an email when it has been fixed.

    I’ll report here as soon as they do for the sake of others experiencing the same issue.

    Thread Starter dice2dice


    I’ve had an email from 1and1 stating the issue has been resolved but it hasn’t been fixed at all.

    Here is what they wrote…….

    Thank you for contacting us.

    This is an email update in connection with your last call/email about having issues with your wordpress administration dashboard being down and inaccessible. Please be informed that the downtime was caused by necessary maintenance of our servers due to slight technical glitches. However, this has been rectified already and services has now been restored. You may now try to pull up your website/s again using your web browsers. Please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience you may have experienced regarding this. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

    If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Best Regards,
    Carlo Jay Igot
    Technical Support
    1&1 Internet Limited

    I have since been able to access the site, my passwords were all reset. thanks @dice2dice for keeping us all updated.

    Thanks @dice2dice for reporting this to 1and1. I guess I wasn’t the only one pulling my hair out trying to figure out what was going on.

    It sounds like they are still having issues. I can see my site on the front end just find, but cannot see the dashboard.

    Going to try and call so they realize this isn’t fixed.

    I’ve been on the phone 3 times with 1and1 Internet support since Saturday when we first noticed it. This is affecting two contracts and several WP installations.

    1and1 support told me they are applying some security enhancements to prevent the brute force attacks against WP dashboard logins (something that has apparently been going on around the world since at least last April).

    Today I was able to login to my dashboard while support was on the phone. But when I hung up, I couldn’t get in again (Error 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable). Whatever 1and1 is attempting to do, it appears to be a botch-up. There were no advance notifications, no info on when it should be (really) fixed and nothing specific about what they’re doing, except annoying their subscribers.

    Hello guys, here i got the same problem. IS SO ANNOYING, the 503 error pops up from time to time, not all the time. Always when somebody trying to login or register. My website has to be launched in less than 1 month i hope this got fixed and if i got more problems ill move to hostgator.

    Why are they trying to avoid brute force logins? Just tell people who use wordpress or teach them to install BPS and it’s done 97% of brute force logins are stopped.

    Anyways every day that passes i hate more and more 1and1, 100GB of web disk when hostgator gives you unlimited… is pathetic, their servers are so saturated.

    We have the same issue – but not for everyone. I can’t login on my Mac with Safari, but with Chrome I could after clearing the cache. Another member with admin privileges running Windows is unable to get in with IE or Firefox, but I know one of our paying members is able to login because I just got an email notification that she uploaded an event to the site. 1and1 said they’re working on it, and they gave me a “24 – 48 hour” time frame for resolution.

    I am having similar issues. I am able to login to dashboard on our site StartUpLift without any issues but getting the 503 error during registration. Very frustrating. Just sent a support request.



    Hi there,

    Facing the same issue since 3 days now !

    What is your browser ? I use Firefox to admin my sites.
    It seems to me that having for a long period of time, a lot of tabs opened on the wordpress admin dashboard will cause 1and1 servers to detect security issues and block this browser.

    No problem so far with Safari, Chrome, Opera and Sleipnir (give it a try) to access admin dashboard.
    I will contact 1and1 to know if a solution exists.




    I’m having the same issue with all of my WordPress sites hosted by 1and1.

    I’ve found that if I VPN in (using ProXPN) I can get to my main site but not my others.

    I started a helpdesk request last Wednesday, including the error message and finally got a reply from 1and1 on Saturday asking me what the error message was!



    Yep, and I’ve just started having exactly the same problem with my three WordPress sites hosted by 1and1. I’ve put in a support request.



    I had the same problem with our blog at https://blog.stegplatten.info hosted at 1and1.

    I think it has something todo with their switching to PHP 5.2+

    I solved the problem by changing an entry i the .htaccess file from

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php


    AddType x-mapp-php6 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php6 .php


    Michael from https://www.rexin-shop.de



    I have the same problem sice a many days, and my problem is only from 1 ip. From the other ip-s i dont have any problem to acces to the dashboard. how can i make to solucionate it?



    Yes, I’ve just realised my problem of access just relates to one ISP, vodafone spain. If I go to somewhere using another ISP, it’s fine. My guess is that 1and1 have blocked a load of IP addresses, as a security measure. I’m trying to get them to deal with it. It is just 1and1. I can get into the dashboard of other wordpress installations not hosted by 1and1.

    In the short term, the only solution I think is to access your dashboard from a different location which uses a different ISP; or maybe use a proxy server.

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