• I’m a super noob at web development stuff, so I apologize in advance for not understanding anything you say. I am trying to build a website in wordpress that’s not hosted anywhere, just on my PC. I have wordpress 3.6, php 5.4.16, apache 2.4.4, mysql 5.6.12, and wampserver 2.4 installed. I was able to create a mysql database, my website, change the theme, and change some text and stuff. But after exiting and trying to log back into wordpress from https://localhost:8080/websitename/wordpress/wp-login.php with the admin user I created in phpmyadmin (which I’m not sure I did right) I get an error saying the password is incorrect.

    Twice before I could fix this by going to phpmyadmin, getting to wp-users in my database, editing the admin user and changing the password, then logging in with the new password. But now that won’t work. If try to change the password by typing a new word into the password field, selecting md5 from the dropdown, and hitting “GO”, the password changes to the the md5 string under the user_pass column in wp_users. If I go to the wordpress login and try the new password it says it’s incorrect. If I copy the string under user_pass and paste it into the password field that’s incorrect too.

    Anyone have an idea what I need to do to fix this?

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  • I believe the password field contains the MD5 hash of the login id AND the password together (no spaces in between). I know JOOMLA created password hashes this way as a means of making sure that the login ID and the password were correctly-matched.

    So, maybe try hashing the login AND the password for the password field?

    I believe the password field contains the MD5 hash of the login id AND the password together (no spaces in between)

    No – it contains the password only.

    Okay. Thanks for that.

    Well then,

    His other problem may have to do with the numeric format, IE the “base notation”. A normal MD5 hash output is in base-16 (otherwise known has hexadecimal). The password fields in the database table for users are not in hexadecimal format. – This may be where his problem is.

    I am unsure what base-numerics are used to encode the passwords, but I DO know they are not the hexadecimal notation that MD5 and other hashing-functions output.

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