users uploading and changing font
hola peoples,
got a little difficulty setting up wordpress the way i want it. i’m using wp 1.2 and evolving slowly beyond the “complete computer idiot” stage into the “computer dummy” one, so bear with my simple questions and please give simple answers (podz for president?)…
1.) anyways…first of all, i read the entire tutorial on how to change site styles, and then i read the entire (and very helpful tutorial) on basic coding. yet i still can’t find out how to change just the default TEXT style.
last time i tried to change my site template, i ended up doing so much damage i had to do a complete purge/reinstall. and i’m not sure if the custom theme switcher commonly linked to around here (“style switcher”?) is for visitors to my site or if i can use it to change the entire site myself…so i’ll be content with just changing the default font (for now) but where in the heck is it referenced in the code?
2.) one of the reasons i installed wordpress to begin with was b/c i wanted to set up a family/friends sort of casual meeting board. which means i want select members to be able to post images. setting up this aspect of wordpress was easy enough (especially giving different levels of authority to people- very cool). but as of now, i’m the only one uploading images. i use 1&1 internet hosting for both this site and another one related to business, so defining the correct path was a bit of a hassle.
my image path is convoluted enough- “” (which is fun to type out in entirety every time i click the “image” tab when posting, but i digress). yet when setting up the path for other users (hopefully i’m correct in assuming that i don’t have to share the same path with everyone, and instead i can set up a common path for everybody but me?) i run into a problem.
i get the following error after clicking on the “upload” button: “It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/homepages/42/d88579156/htdocs/*/wordpress/wp-content ) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.
(* = where i have my site name -stripped of “https://www.” and also minus the “.com” ending).
the only reason i have that mumbo-jumbo sounding directory specified is b/c that’s what was suggested for the box labeled “destination directory” when setting up the “upload” options via the wordpress control panel. under the “destination directory” box is the “uri of this directory box” which i also filled in via the wordpress suggested path. that one is a lot simpler however, and is : “”.
i’m guessing that for the specified directory i have a bunch of things in the path that shouldn’t be there, such as “homepages” and all those numbers, but i dare not mess with it for fear of having to do yet a third complete reinstall b/c i’ve corrupted it again.
sorry for such a long post, but i figured i’d be as descriptive as possible in order to describe my situation better. and thanks again for the help!
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