• BIrdie


    Hi there! We’re going to be building a website for the United States market on WordPress. We currently have a Canadian website (custom platform) that we would like to migrate to WordPress in the future. The Canadian website will/should ultimately look like the United States website with the exception of there being quite a bit of French, and price/shipping/tax differences.

    Does anyone have experience with such a setup? In a perfect world we would be able to manage both website themes together. For example if we update the style sheet for US we would want it to also update the styles for Canada. However, these would be two separate sites (if I’m not mistaken that’s how we would have to handle this).

    I hope that makes sense! If not I’ll try to clarify.

    Thank you for your thoughts in adavance.

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  • Hi!

    There are a couple of ways to do this. You could use a multisite setup, a translation plugin, or simply use separated WordPress instances.

    If you do opt for separated WP installs, you’ll need to manually update the themes when you change each of them.

    It looks like a multisite WP is going to work for most of what you want, as you’ll have different content, users, products, but same assets (theme, plugin).

    I hope this helps!

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