Also, make sure you get the icon right before you upload it – don’t do a test icon, because browsers and other sites that capture the favicon tend to only load it once.
I read your post before I started searching for favicons & like a fool I did exactly what you warned against. I found an image I thought I’d like & uploaded it. Then I decided I didn’t like it & found one I liked better. Now FF seems to only display the original favicon. Is there any hope they’ll ever display the 2nd one (which I really want)?
Also, the favicon displays properly in the FF browser address bar ONLY when I first open my main blog pg. If, for example, I switch to another tab in FF, then the favicon no longer displays when I return to my blog’s tab. I can get the favicon to redisplay by clicking Reload.
The favicon will not display in the tab bar (where other sites display their favicons just fine). I put the favicon in the top folder (the one containing the public_html folder). Do I need to place it another folder to get it to display properly in both bars? I’m guessing since it does display in the url address bar that the answer is no. But this behavior sure is quirky & not the way favicons were meant to behave so I’m thinking something’s wrong but don’t know what.