• Hi there,

    I’m new to wordpress and am trying to understand the Custom CSS function. My logo just keeps appearing really small no matter how much I make it larger in Photoshop. I followed the instructions on this topic to make it bigger, but nothing happened.

    I deleted the existing writing in the custom CSS box and inputted what is in this topic but literally nothing changed. Am I missing something? I’ve read the getting started with CSS tutorials but am still not getting it!


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  • It’s not about resizing the original photo in Photoshop or something (unless your photo is smaller than the desired size). You have to check the css applied in your logo.

    Something like this must work

    .site-logo {
        height: auto;
        max-width: 20%;   /* logo will have 20% size of the wrapper div */
        min-width: 200px; /* minimum width your logo has as you decrease window size*/
    .site-logo img {
        height: auto;
        max-width: 100%;

    where your html is

    <div class="site-logo">
    <img src="directory/of/image.jpg">

    A link would be usefull for more specific help

    Thread Starter Lisa Marconi


    Hi there,
    Thanks for your suggestion – my site is mrsmarconi.wordpress.com, I’m still building it. I tried putting that code into the CSS but it didn’t make any difference…….thank you!

    This code by itself wouldn’t help, its for general case. Your link requires log-in, can’t help more if it’s closed.

    Thread Starter Lisa Marconi


    Sorry wpuser131, I think I’ve made it public now so you should be able to see it…..

    Well the current image you have set as logo seems to be small:


    It seems that it’s a smaller version of the original that is

    https://mrsmarconi.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/dustification-logo-light-gold-particles-with-defintion2.png which is large

    replace it with a larger one and then:

    You have really many .site-logo-link and .site-logo-link img rules. It’s a mess! ?? Remove all these and add just the two that follow. It must be ok.

    .site-logo-link {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        transition: all 250ms ease 0s;
    .site-logo-link img {
        height: auto;
        width: 50%;

    Adjust the 50% to the percentage you want, depending on the desirable size.

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