• Resolved danrancan


    Hi, I am running a wordpress website at https://www.mcmo.is. I would like for my featured images to be hidden on ALL Blog Posts and blog posts only. I don’t want product posts to be affected. I don’t know CSS code at all, and need some CSS Code snippets for hiding my Featured Images on all of my blog post pages. The reason for this, is that when I create a single post with on picture, the featured Image is displayed in the post, as well as the original image, and this creates duplicate pictures. However, I still want the featured image to appear on previews of my blog posts like on my home page.

    Is there anyone out there that is familiar with CSS who could help me automatically hide Featured images when navigating to https://www.mcmo.is/2023/08/06/sculpture-maintenance/ or any other blog posts on this site?

    Thanks for any code snippet help!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Euler


    Hey there,

    I think the best (or easiest) thing to do in your case would be to add a new plugin that does this function.

    This is a good option, for instance: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/conditionally-display-featured-image-on-singular-pages/

    Thread Starter danrancan


    Hi, The problem with using this plugin is that I use the WordPress iOS app to log in and create posts for my wordpress installation. Since the app is limited, it doesn’t give me the option to hide a featured image while using that plugin. So I need something that automatically hides the featured image from each post without user interaction or a “Hide featured Image” button, that surely won’t appear on the iOS wordpress app.

    The closest thing I have found to doing this is the “hide-featured-image-on-all-single-pagepost” plugin. However, that plugin also hides featured images on pages, which I don’t want, since that would delete images of my woocommerce products. I looked over the code for this plugin to see if I can modify it in order to prevent it from hiding featured images on pages, but I had no success.

    I think the best solution here would have to be some CSS code that targets featured images on the blog page, or modifying the code from the “Hide-featured-image-on-all-single-pagespost” plugin. Just in case you want to look, I have posted the code from that plugin below. I bet it wouldn’t be too hard for you to modify it to work as I need it to. Below is the plugin code:

    Plugin Name: Hide featured image on all single page/post
    Plugin URI: https://torknado.com/hide-featured-single
    Description: Never display a featured image on a single page or post.
    Version: 1.0
    Author: TylerTork
    License: GPLv2
    License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    This work contains some code from the plugin "Conditionally display featured image on singular pages and posts"
    (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/conditionally-display-featured-image-on-singular-pages/) -- a great deal has been removed
    to create a minimal version that doesn't need an administrative UI, and the fallback stylesheet added.
    Exit on direct call
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Sorry' );
    function tnado_hidefi_load_plugin_css() {
    $plugin_url = plugin_dir_url( FILE );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'tnado_hidefi_styles', $plugin_url . '/tnado-styles.css' );
    //add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tnado_hidefi_load_plugin_css' );
    if ( ! class_exists( 'TorknadoHideFeatured' ) ) {
    class TorknadoHideFeatured {
        private $post_id; // id of post we've saved to say, report this post as having no featured image.
        public function run() {
             * Hook into loop_start because it comes after the point where the featured image might have been requested
             * for opengraph or other metadata, where we still need the featured image URL.
            add_action('loop_start', function ( $wp_query ) {
                if ( $wp_query->is_main_query() ) {
                    add_action( 'the_post', array( &$this, 'set_visibility' ) );
                } else {
                    /* secondary queries should also still be able to pull the featured image URL. */
                    if ( has_filter( 'the_post', array( &$this, 'set_visibility' ) ) ) {
                        remove_action( 'the_post', array( &$this, 'set_visibility' ) );
                        remove_filter( 'get_post_metadata', array( &$this, 'hide_featured_image' ) );
                        $this->post_id = null;
            /* Remove  featured image from Yoast SEO's schema.org if needed. */
            add_filter('wpseo_schema_graph_pieces', array( &$this, 'set_schema_visibility' ), 10, 2 );
            add_filter( 'twentynineteen_can_show_post_thumbnail', array( &$this, 'twentynineteen' ) );
         * Support for the twentynineteen theme
         * @param bool $can_show_thumbnail
         * @return bool
        public function twentynineteen( $can_show_thumbnail ) {
            if ( is_singular() && is_main_query()) {
                return false;
            return $can_show_thumbnail;
         * Hide the featured image in the Yoast SEO schema.org output.
         * @param array $pieces The schema pieces.
         * @param WPSEO_Schema_Context $context An object with context variables.
         * @return array
        public function set_schema_visibility($pieces, $context) {
            $post_id = $context->id;
            return $this->remove_mainimage_schema_block( $pieces );
         * Remove the Yoast SEO schema block that carries the main image
         * @param array $pieces
         * @return array
        private function remove_mainimage_schema_block( $pieces ) {
            foreach($pieces as $key => $piece) {
                if ($piece instanceof WPSEO_Schema_MainImage) {
            return $pieces;
         * Hide the featured image on all single.
         * @param WP_Post $post as passed by the the_post action
        public function set_visibility( $post ) {
            // always hide featured image on single post or page.
            if ( is_single( $post->ID ) || is_page( $post->ID ) ) {
                $this->post_id = $post->ID; // remember which post's featured image we're hiding for this specific request.
                                        // there may be others requested in the course of calculating this page and we don't
                                        // want to hide them just because they're on a page.
                add_filter( 'get_post_metadata', array( &$this, 'hide_featured_image' ), 10, 3 );
         * Return false to report there is no featured image, if the post ID we're asked about
         * is the same ID we earlier flagged as associated with the single page that's being loaded.
         * @param mixed $value given by the get_post_metadata filter
         * @param int $object_id
         * @param string $meta_key
         * @return boolean
        public function hide_featured_image( $value, $object_id, $meta_key ) {
            if ( '_thumbnail_id' == $meta_key && $object_id === $this->post_id ) {
                return false;
    if ( ! is_admin() ) {
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tnado_hidefi_load_plugin_css' );
    $torknado_hidefeat = new TorknadoHideFeatured();

    Any help with CSS or the Above code is much appreciated!


    .single-post .blog-image {display:none}

    Standing by for feedback!

    Thread Starter danrancan


    That did the trick good man! Thank you so so much for this! Issue has been resolved! Tripple thanks!

    where did you put .single-post .blog-image {display:none}

    i’m also not good at CSS and am not sure where i’d put that line to try to make it hide featured images on all single blog posts (while not hiding them from blog lists and while sharing to social)

    @davidrosen: Please start a new topic to ask your question and provide your website address so we can help you. CSS is very site/theme-specific, and the code that worked on someone’s site will not necessarily work on your site.

    I have the same problem! Can I just reply to someone else’s post with “Me too”?

    gotcha. no problem. i’ll post a new topic. thanks!

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