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  • Hi goldenimage, what you are quoting there is about inline content (where you can replace the ... inline content here ... with anything like text or html) not about anyting that needs an URL like an image or html files…

    And no, you do not need to use UniqueID-1 literally. Use any ID you like as long as it is unique (get it? ?? )

    Thanks for the quick reply. I am trying to have a page from another url appear on page load.

    I need a remedial lession because this doesn’t work:

    <div class="fancybox-hidden"><div id="UniqueID-711"></div> </div>
    <a href="#UniqueID-711" class="fancybox-auto"></a>

    I don’t know why “&gt” is popping up in there….

    You are confusing inline content (a div or anything else on the page itself) with iframe content (another page).

    Dump that div and just use the link. Make it look like this:
    <a href="" id="fancybox-auto" class="fancybox-iframe"></a>

    <a href="" id="fancybox-auto" class="fancybox-iframe"></a>

    This is the only code on my page. Obviously, I replaced with the correct url. It isn’t working.

    Edited to add: would it make any difference that I am previewing a draft version?

    Make sure the option “Auto-trigger” is set to “Manual” on Settings > Media under FancyBox / Global settings.


    Could you please pass the code on you used to get the iframe linked directly from custom menu as you have on your test site? I have tried everything and cannot get it to work

    See a demo on (click the menu item “FancyBox iFrame”)

    Hi P,

    It’s not code, it’s a trick:
    1. Enable the iFrame option on your Settings > Media page
    2. Go to your Appearance > Menus page and open the tab Screen options in the top right hand corner. Enable ‘CSS Classes’ and close the panel again.
    3. Open the link in your menu for editing and notice the new field ‘CSS Classes (optional)’ there. Fill it with fancybox-iframe and hit Save Menu.

    Now, that link will be opened in FancyBox ??

    perfect -worked like a charm!! Thanks

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