• I am a newbie and am feeling really dumb. I am not sure if I have the right plug-ins to do what I want to do.

    I have created an ebook (.pdf) that I would like to offer as a free download on my website, but require the recepient to provide their email address in order to obtain it.

    I have downloaded the following plug-ins: Email Before Download, Contact Form 7, and WordPress Download Monitor. I have uploaded both the .pdf file to WordPress under my Media menu and the .jpg image of the cover. I have customized the form I want to use… but after that I am stuck. How do I integrate all of this to a widget that will appear on all pages of my website? I’d like to have the .jpg image as a clickable link to the contact form if at all possible. If not, I’m also fine with having the .jpg file above the contact form.

    I emailed a friend of mine who has this feature on her blog, but she is using a paid membership with AWeber. I would like to be able to do all of this on a free platform if it’s possible. Does this make a difference? I don’t consider myself to be a computer idiot most of the time, but I feel completely lost with this. What do I do next? Sorry this post is so long!

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  • I am also doing the same thing. Have the same plug-ins but is stumped after that. Does anyone here respond to these questions?

    Hi stillameese and imsandih,

    We try to help people and respond here as much as we can; of course, the Email Before Download plugin we provide is one of many competing priorities we juggle. (We really created for our own use and then decided to release it for others since we noticed a gap in the WordPress features).

    You can get a pretty good idea of the steps to follow in the first 3 screenshots we provide on the plugin plage:


    1. Once you have uploaded your file to Download Monitor (like a pdf), then you will want to note the ID that was assigned.
    2. Once you create a contact form with Contact Form 7, you will want to note the contact form ID that was assigned.
    3. With both of these IDs, you can go to a post (or page) and use the Email Before Download shortcode. For example: [email-download download_id=”X” contact_form_id=”Y”].

    This will display a contact form on your post (or page). When a user successfully submits the form, they are presented with a link to the file to view/download.

    I hope this helps and let us know if you run into issues. If people form the community are not able to help and respond, we try to jump in as well.

    Hi thanks for your message.
    Please be kind, I’m a noob…
    I reviewed everything and have the page setup with Download Monitor and Contact 7 id codes. Everything comes up fine on the page I’ve inserted your shortcode on, but when I test it I don’t get a link – I get a blank page.
    I am using the option send e-mail.
    I’ve put in a cc field in Contact 7 so I see that the e-mail was sent but I don’t have a download page.
    I see that there are additional setting for e-mail before download plug in but the only thing I’ve configured is the option to send e-mail. Do I need to configure the rest?

    Still struggling with the form!

    I’ve checked and unchecked the options e-mail before download plug-in.
    It seems to “hang” after clicking submit. No success or error message from Contact 7 form.

    I DO receive an email with a hyperlink, but when I click on the hyperlink it brings me back to a blank page.

    I believe I have WP Download Monitor set up correctly…using the shortcode [download_page] I am able to click on the link and my pdf pops right up.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi imsandih,

    Can you shoot over the URL to reproduce the problem with?

    Hi Madsconsulting:

    Here is the url: https://www.grizzlylaw.com/download/personal-injury-handbook/.

    I get the link in my gmail account, no problem. Link works but get a spinning thinking icon and the page does not refresh.

    Contact 7 form without your plugin works fine – gives me as Thank success message.

    Also the mask link feature doesn’t seem to be working for me, but when I uncheck the mask link box I get a working e-mail link.

    Hey guys, im getting the same error, any resolution?



    I never did get a resolution to my problem and haven’t heard back from developers since the last time I posted. I just went gave up the e-mail issue and let people download without submitting an address. Not ideal.
    They just came out with an update so will see if this fixes my problem.



    Same issue here re. blank page after clicking download link. It’s a straight forward PDF, nothing special about it.

    Could somebody get back to us here, please? Seems to be a common problem.

    Hi All,

    With the plugin working in so many environments, it’s hard to know what issue would cause a blank page for your specific scenario. I don’t believe this would be a “common problem,” especially with a simple PDF as nadworks reported and I would have to look at your specific WordPress/server setup to review. The first guess I would have is a possible conflict with another plugin since the inline link is not working. One common issue people have with the inline link is when they remove wp_footer() from their theme as you can follow here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/email-before-download-not-showing-inline-download-link?replies=24.

    my contact form (7), theres no ID in the code i have to put into the site. how can i get the contact form ID? theres always just this : [contact-form 1 "Contact form 1"] , without ID…. please can someone help me?

    thanks a lot!

    Hi there,

    I′m contacting you guys in regards to your wordpress plugin.

    That by the way it′s an awesome idea.
    But it′s not working on our worpdress website.

    1. We installed your Plugin, Download Manager and Contact 7.

    2. Followed the steps for the config, tested different config’s inline, attachement. (added <ebd />) tested as single download as well

    3. Added this Code on the page[email-download download_id=”1,2″ contact_form_id=”4″] (tested as single download as well)

    on this page


    and all that I get is this error below.

    Fatal error: Class ‘downloadable_file’ not found in /wp-content/plugins/email-before-download/email-before-download.php on line 127

    I also searching for this on google I found a few sites that the owner doen’t know that his website it’s not working like this one below.

    PS: Contact Form 7 and Download Manager works individually.



    I have the same problem as mmbussacarini. Is that a compatibility issue?


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