• Hi Guys,

    I’m trying to create the solution offered in this blog post

    I’ve asked Mike the blog owner and I am asking here, hoping someone can help. The brick wall I’ve hit is my production setup on aws elastic beanstalk keeps drawing on the local host version despite the wp-config-local.php file not being in the git repo on aws.

    To me, it seems that whichever environment completes the install,is taking precedent over the local config file and the code changes noted in Mike’s blog for the wp-config file. On the flip-side I’ve done the install on the elastic beanstalk environment, but beyond the index page, the local version then calls on the elastic beanstalk environment, not the local host version. The problem with that, is any plugin updates will sit on the server machine and not in the git repo to be synced with any load balancing machines – the whole point of the solution.

    I am wondering if this is a point in the right direction?

    Any help would be really appreciated.



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