• Resolved faeronsayn


    I’m wondering if there could be multiple ID containers we can add so the smilies can work across multiple text input areas. Currently I’ve selected the comments ID container. This makes it so I can click on the smilies that sit below the text area and they’ll automatically be entered into the textbook. However, if I try to do the same thing in the buddypress status update or in creating a new topic in bbpress, it comes up with an error asking me to make sure that the ID container is correct in the options menu.

    This would definitely be annoying on the user’s end since they would have to manually write the smilies code to have them display. I am wondering if it’s possible to have the smilies be click able for multiple text areas around the site. More specifically how can we define more than one container ID?


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  • Plugin Author tuxlog


    HTML allows only one ID for one tag. But I am really stuck with your intention. Your proposal will result in clicking on a smiley will add the smilies to multiple textareas. Is this what you want?

    I can not see the advantage of such a feature.

    I think he refers to having option to use both on comment and bbpress input areas… would be really nice addition to have it work with bbpress as well ??


    Thread Starter faeronsayn


    Basically what teknoledge said. I am trying to have the smilies work on bbpress as well as the comments. Since I can only input one container ID I can’t figure out a way to have it working for BBPress and for comments simultaneously.

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Okay, so I understand what you mean. Well as a first approach why not change the id of the comment textarea to the one bbpress uses.

    I haven’t tested it but I think it should work.

    Thread Starter faeronsayn


    Then the comments area won’t support the smilies. I want it to work on multiple text areas.

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    Well, then I didn’t get you. Maybe you can give me an URL where I can see which textareas you want to add smilies to. Maybe this will make it clear to me.


    Plugin Author tuxlog


    seems to be resolved

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