• Blind or low-vision users are reporting that when using the NVDA screen reader and they click on the links to You Tube videos embedded in images on my blog site, they are unable to go back to the previous page once on You Tube – the NVDA screen reader completely closes the page.

    When I used to post the You Tube links directly on the page, they did not have this issue. However that posed problems for other users as my site would crash browsers on their phones with so many You Tube links on a page, so I decided to embed the video links instead.

    Do you know of any commands or workarounds that would assist blind users with this issue? The link I’ve provided is to the most recent page on my WordPress.com site.

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by billcs.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator t-p


    Is NVDA Screen Reader feature of your theme? If so, what theme? Acquired from?

    or, are you using a plugin for it? If so, what plugin? Acquired from?

    Thread Starter billcs


    No, the question is from a blind user who uses NVDA, it has nothing to do with the set up of my blog features.

    Thread Starter billcs


    Is there no one who can help with this or direct me to someone who can?

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