No answer on this but, if anyone wants to do this, here’s how I did it hacking the plugin:
I used the Nivo silder shortcode with link=y
[nivo link=y]
Then, to only create a link in the slideshow for slides with an associated URL, I hacked in plugins/oik-nivo-slider/ as follows:
at line 337 I replaced these lines:
$permalink = bw_get_image_link( $post->ID );
alink( null, $permalink , $thumbnail, null );
$permalink = bw_get_image_link( $post->ID );
if (strlen($permalink) > 0 ) {
alink( null, $permalink , $thumbnail, null );
} else {
e( $thumbnail );
To prevent the cursor appearing for slides with no URL, I commented out almost all of plugins/oik-nivo-slider/jquery.oik-nc-click.js:
jQuery.fn.oikNCClick = function(){
var slider = $(this);
var nc = $('.nivo-caption', slider);
//nc.hover( function() { $(this).addClass( 'nivo-caption-hovered' ); }
// , function() { $(this).removeClass( 'nivo-caption-hovered' ); } );
//nc.css( 'cursor', 'pointer' );
//'click', function(){
//var visible = $('a.nivo-imageLink:visible', slider);
//window.location.href = visible.attr('href');
Then, to allow external links to open in a new window, I hacked in plugins/oik as follows:
at line 181, I replaced this line
$link .= ">";
// if URL contains, don't open in new window: must replace with your own site's domain
if (stripos($url, "")) {
$link .= " >";
} else { // it IS external...
$link .= " target='_blank'>";