• Resolved jaybot


    Hey again, I wanted to know if their was a way I can make a page, but instead of it being a page it would be a redirect link? If that makes any sense?

    Basically, for example: https://www.glennwolsey.com/

    at the top his “Subscribe” link takes you directly to his rss feed, I want to do something like that with that, and by making a redirect link, or whatever.

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  • Jaybot,

    All you really need to do is add a link to your blog’s header.php file. I don’t think a page is necessary to do what you want. Glenn’s “Subscribe” link is not actually linked to his blog at all, it’s linked to his feedburner feed at: https://feeds.feedburner.com/GlennWolsey

    Thread Starter jaybot


    How do I do that, and where do I put that in the code? Would it show up right next to me “Blog” “About Me” and “Site Admin” buttons up top? My blog is https://myalternativemind.net if you can see what I’m trying to explain.

    Thread Starter jaybot



    How do I do that?

    Hmmm… Do what? Setting up your feedburner account?
    What happened when you clicked on the link mfields gave you and from there clicked on the
    Learn more about syndication and FeedBurner… link?

    When you have the link, add it to the header.php of your theme, where the Pages are displayed. (more help in their forum)

    As for your initial question: https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/easyredirect/
    (have no idea if it works with 2.5)

    Thread Starter jaybot


    Sorry, I should’ve been more clear. I have a feedburner account setup, I just don’t know how to add the link to the header.php file, or where to even put it.


    This maybe hard to instruct you on, not being able to see you theme’s header code. I took a peak at your source and it looks like you are using a heavely modified k2 theme – nice job btw:)

    Somewhere in your header.php file, you should see something like this:

    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li='); ?>
    <?php wp_register('<li class="admintab">','</li>'); ?>

    After the second line you will want to enter the following text, replacing the text in caps with your link and the text you would like displayed on your live blog:

    <li class="feedburner"><a href="https://YOUR-LINK-TO-FEEDBURNER">LINK-TEXT</a></li>

    Thread Starter jaybot


    thanks! it works perfectly. if by any chance, how can I make it before the register/site admin button? thanks for the help.

    Your welcome! To put the link before the register/site admin button, you will need to put the link code between wp_list_pages and wp_register. Like this:

    <?php wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li='); ?>
    <li class="feedburner"><a href="https://YOUR-LINK-TO-FEEDBURNER">LINK-TEXT</a></li>
    <?php wp_register('<li class="admintab">','</li>'); ?>

    Thread Starter jaybot


    Worked perfectly, thanks a lot again!

    I don’t see any of that code in my header file.

    I’m using 2.1.

    Where do i need to put the link?

    Never mind I figured it out.

    I just put in the sidebar.php file instead.

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