@anglo_nwl thanks, I now have it showing the categories on the event submit form, but it’s not passing them through the the created event
so far I have
* This file is called by templates/forms/location-editor.php to display fields for uploading images on your event form on your website. This does not affect the admin featured image section.
* You can override this file by copying it to /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/plugins/events-manager/forms/event/ and editing it there.
global $EM_Event;
/* @var $EM_Event EM_Event */
$categories = get_categories(array('orderby'=>'name','hide_empty'=>0));
<?php if( count($categories) > 0 ): ?>
<div class="event-categories">
<!-- START Categories -->
<label for="event_categories[]"><?php _e ( 'Category:', 'dbem' ); ?></label>
<select name="event_categories[]" multiple size="10">
$selected = $EM_Event->get_categories()->get_ids();
$walker = new EM_Walker_CategoryMultiselect();
$args_em = array( 'hide_empty' => 0, 'name' => 'event_categories[]', 'hierarchical' => true, 'id' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'taxonomy' => EM_TAXONOMY_CATEGORY, 'selected' => $selected, 'walker'=> $walker);
echo walk_category_dropdown_tree($categories, 0, $args_em);
<!-- END Categories -->
<?php endif; ?>
Is it possible to make this change in this file and can you help me understand what I should change, I’d really appreciate some pointers – thanks