• Hi!
    I need a custom post type and its related custom taxonomy to use the same slug.

    I’ve created a custom post type with slug “blog”. It means that its archive page is:


    and its post permalinks have the structure:


    On another hand I have a custom taxonomy with id “presscat”, and I need it to have the same slug: “blog”. This taxonomy has terms on it, like “tin tuc”, “huong dan” and “danh gia”. Their permalink structure would be:


    The problem is that if I use the same slug for both cases, WordPress takes the custom posts (with url “nguongame.com/blog/postname”) as if they were terms of the “press” taxonomy (with term “postname”). I tried to fix it with the “template_redirect” hack, but I get a 404 error.

    Anyone has fixed this issue?


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