Found a way to use “Category designated thumbnails” with this plugin .
Lets say you want to use a specific category thumbnail for a post instead of “no_thumb.jpg”, heres what you have to do :
1. create a sub folder in the root of your wp installation (in this example the folder is “img” )
2. name the images the same as the category name (if the category name is “30 Rock”, use “30 Rock.jpg”
3. if you wanna use the category thumbnail somewhere else in the site use this code
<img src="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/img/<?php $category = get_the_category(); echo $category[0]->cat_name; ?>.jpg" width="120" height="120" alt="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>" /></a> <?php }
4. if you want to use the category thumbnail instead of no_thumb.jpg with this specific plugin edit “wordpress-popular-posts.php” ; look for this line
// default image
$thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" class=\"wppnothumb\" title=\"". $title_attr ."\"><img src=\"". $this->pluginDir . "/no_thumb.jpg\" alt=\"".$title_attr."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" width=\"".$tbWidth."\" height=\"".$tbHeight."\" "."/></a>";
and replace it with this
// default image
$category = get_the_category($wppost->ID) ;
$thumb = "<a href=\"".get_permalink($wppost->ID)."\" class=\"wppnothumb\" title=\"". $title_attr ."\"><img src=\"". get_option('home') ."/img/". $category[0]->cat_name .".jpg\" alt=\"".$title_attr."\" border=\"0\" class=\"wpp-thumbnail\" width=\"".$tbWidth."\" height=\"".$tbHeight."\" "."/></a>";
5. if all went well, when a post does not have a ‘featured image’ of a thumbnail cannot be generated, it will show the category picture instead
** if a post is in more the one category it will show the first one; there is a way to make this work better just check this
Hope this helps… i would really like to see this integrated in the widget somehow