• Resolved jvsouthwood


    I am attempting to use SayWhat to change wording of a few Sensei strings. Have spent hours and cannot piece it together – I wonder if anyone here can help. If I try to translate an exact string given in the sensei-lms.pot file, nothing happens. Ditto if I bypass saywhat and simply hard code the changes by typing over the strings in that file (in test environment). Can anyone explain how the .pot file interacts with the code? (I note it doesn’t declare strings in the way that say-what requires). Do I need to give a msgstr for each msgid? Can my evident misunderstanding be explained to me ?? thanks.

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  • Hello,

    As an example, to change the text of the?View the Lesson Quiz button using Say what?, you would need to do the following:

    1. Go to Tools > Text changes
    2. In the Original string field, enter View the Lesson Quiz
    3. In Text domain, enter sensei-lms
    4. Finally, in Replacement string, enter the text that you’d like to display on the button (e.g. Take Quiz)

    After saving your changes, the button should now say Take Quiz.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter jvsouthwood


    Hi, thanks. When I said I had already tried it and nothing happens, that’s what I had tried. Letter for letter exactly as you have indicated, and with other case combinations for good measure – no change. https://snipboard.io/4ThCPv.jpg

    I can make Saywhat work for other strings, however, – eg I can change ‘You have not completed any courses yet.’ to ‘You have not done anything’, for example, successfully. So I can use the plugin fine. Looking at the Sensei-lms repo, the two example strings here are handled differently. Any idea how I can force it to work for ‘View the lesson quiz’?

    From the screenshot, you’ve not entered View the Lesson Quiz. You’ve entered View the lesson quiz. Say What? appears to be case sensitive.

    Thread Starter jvsouthwood


    Yes, I had already tried different case combinations (previous post)

    But I will concede I must have gone through it too quickly, as I can now get it to work. Mission accomplished! Thanks for your help.

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