• Hi, I’m 100% new to WordPress and trying it out since my host (ICDSoft) lets me install WP on my site. I’m ultimately trying to redo my entire website (which I coded years ago mostly using html in a text editor) with something more modern looking, and I picked the Twenty Seventeen theme to try out. My first challenge is I can not figure out how to use any of the existing HD videos on my webhost as the background for the theme. It only lets me use a file in the medial library (60MB max upload!?! is that a joke?) or use a Youtube link… why can I not enter link to a video already on my site where I have a gazillion gigs of storage and don’t need to worry about a 60MB limit?


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  • I’m ultimately trying to redo my entire website (which I coded years ago mostly using html in a text editor) with something more modern looking, and I picked the Twenty Seventeen theme to try out.

    I wouldn’t call the Twenty Seventeen theme “modern-looking” at all.

    Note that WordPress’ default themes, like Twenty Seventeen, are built to leverage the leading-edge WordPress features they came with and portray the prevailing design trends of the day. This theme was released for WordPress 4.7 in 2017: which is now ancient in the land of WordPress and web design generally.

    But, of course, to each their own.

    why can I not enter link to a video already on my site

    That’s a limitation of your chosen theme, and not WordPress.

    (60MB max upload!?! is that a joke?)

    That’s a server limit from your hosting provider, again, not WordPress. WordPress merely reads and displays this limit so users would be forewarned.

    But there are ways, if your hosting provider allows, to override this upload size limit, either from your web server’s per-user configuration file (eg .htaccess for Apache), or from the WordPress configuration file (wp-config.php).

    Here’s how to increase the size in WordPress, if you must: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/apis/wp-config-php/#increasing-memory-allocated-to-php

    But perhaps this is one of those situations where just because you can does not mean you should. That’s because 64MB for a background video is already far too much!

    Background videos are meant to be decorative only. And as ALL browsers (again, not WordPress), both mobile and desktop, automatically mute the audio in auto-playing videos, your background video should really be a short and simple auto-looping video with no sound — and that doesn’t have to be more than a megabyte or so, certainly not more than 64MB — or the page will take FOREVER to load for users.

    Good luck!

    60 MB is the default limit for uploading files via PHP applications (such as WordPress). This is usually enough for most cases, but it can be easily increased via the ICDSoft hosting Control Panel > PHP Settings. Once there, you need to:

    1. Click on the Manage button next to the subdomain where your WordPress instance is located (www if the site is on the main domain).
    2. Find these two options and increase them accordingly:
    3. Click Save changes.

    That should be it. In case you notice any issues or you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact our support team by submitting a ticket. We’ll get back to you within 15 minutes.

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